Replying to Dick Pic Etiquitte- how do blue names send theirs?
Most people I know this its morally wrong and awful to send dick pics but that is probably because I am old (29) and people are less immature than mee and didn't grow up around good phone technology. I dunno why so many people don't get in on the joke when after a few drinks I suggest 'lets dick pic some people' and they say no.
But anyways...if you have a smart phone and don't use it to share your genitals with others it is being wasted.
What is your favorite type of dick pic to send?
Girl you have already banged- a must it shows you care always send these if you like a lady. If she doesn't have friends that know you or know girls you like she needs one on her phone to remind her of you.
To a girl you know really likes you - OK but its a huge risk it turns her off. I don't send these I'll make a move in person too big a pussy.
To a girl who kinda likes you but probably won't hook up with you for one reason or another- Nothing to lose when these go out and can result in booty you wouldn't normally get I enjoy these especially seeing them in person after when you can apologize and gauge their reaction. They wouldn't give you their number if they didn't want one.
To a guy as a joke- These are the best ones. Im a bit of a pussy and only send out flaccid ones to strangers selling stuff on craigslist with an untracable prepaid phone but a flaccid dick pic to a guy can get some brilliant responses. I sent one to a guy selling wrestling tickets and the shit he wrote back was classic. Claimed it was his daughters phone before I mentioned I was looking to barter for tickets and wanted to meet at a truck stop to do the deal. Always fun to text people about renting a room on CL and then midway in the conversation 'accidentally' text a dp and apologize saying you meant to send it to someone else and see if they'll still show you the room.
To a guy looking for a booty call- Not done one of these but I can seee why some would.
Who do you send dick pics to and if you don't send dick pics why not? God gave you a penis and a phone to fuck with other people and to use to fuck other people.
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