brokebutitsworthitI'm sure the Welsh are interested too, considering that the average Scot has a higher income and already receives about 1500 quid more than the average welshman. Oh and i'm pleased cooler heads prevailed, I think in the long run independence would have hurt Scotland just like a kid running away, at some point its not fun anymore.
I get a feeling this is going to bring more autonomy than anything, and hopefully a better distribution of income. The UK has a ton of wealth, but it's all in London, and it's not being spread out to the other areas of the country very well (sounds familiar..) Not to mention the huge parcels of land that are being unused and are still owned by decedents of nobility and shit... In some ways this was a referendum on inequality.
I honestly feel like Scotland would have done great on it's own, and I have a lot of faith that they would have been well off, but retaining the status quo as far as stability is concerned isn't necessarily a bad thing. The Conservatives need to be voted out though... Much of the policies they are implementing are nearly as asinine as the ones happening in the USA, and that's saying something.