Replying to Building College Resumes and Planning for Future
Alright so i already have a few AP classes under my belt with taking three this year as a Sophomore in highschool. (I know some colleges dont accept AP credits but its a good experience anyways) So, im doing okay with my core classes etc. BUT what extra curricular activities can be good for not only building your college resumes but also good experiences? Im in NHS (national honors society) and MUN (modeled United Nations) and im thinking about maybe joining spanish club also because why not. then also joining debate junior and senior year. I play Lacrosse and im hoping to be a captain next year which could show leadership and then in the future trying to become a student body officer or president of one of the clubs im in. SO NS in your personal experience have you found to be good experiences and also possibly good things to put on your college resumes? Tell me what your did/ are doing and your experiences for getting prepared for college or experiences in applying to colleges.
Sparknotes- what did you do to build your college resume, what looks good, and is a good experience? and also what financial preparations did you undergo to prepare yourself for your future
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