Alright so in honor of me reaching the 16,000 post mark (lolz post whore) I have few simple requests for the mods :)
1. Since I got been banned so many fkn times in my first couple years on NS I thought it would be funny as hell to see my mod notes because I was such a lil shit back then (To you n00bs out there, mod notes are on everyones profile but only mods can see, shows all your bans/warnings). So plz screen-shot and post in this thread
2. So a few years back, a member made a pretty big thread calling me out before my 6969th post... In the thread were the rules and what-not... Rule was I had to 69 a girl or something before my 6969th post or else I couldnt come back or something along those lines... It got to the point where it was around 10 pages I believe... And the mod TWA deleted it for literally no reason. I wanna see that shit
Link to deleted thread (4 tha modz)
3. FREE ELJUSTO. #FreeEljusto