KravtZGreat your in college...first step to becoming wealthy (for most people obviously zuckerberg, gates, are anomalies). College is an investment that pays dividends throughout your lifetime. Get the highest grades possible, study a solid major that actually will land you a good job (aka not english, art, etc). Im talking about a 3.5 gPA+.
Your at the beginning of your career. Get good internships and work hard maybe you will get an offer at least you will be able to build a resume. No need to hate on the wealthy just because they have what you want. Trust me man....grass is always greener on the other side. I know plenty of very very wealth people who live normal lives...yea they might have a yacht or a ferrari but they still have normal problems that everyone deals with.
I got a 2.36 GPA and am clearing 6 figures anyways. Fuck grades, get party and tons of kitty. But definitely pick a good major. Lots of majors out there that you think will make you rich, wont. I almost went into Economics, glad I didn't because my friend got almost a 4.0 and she can't get a good job anyways.
And define rich. My parents helped me with college so I could consider myself rich, but I feel like I at least don't need to feel like everything I've got in life is because I'm a white male (what's with the trend on hating white men these days?). It's like anything we fucking work for we got because of our gender and race. Fuck that.
Even if my parents didn't help me pay for school and I graduated with 50k in debt, I'd still be out of debt and doing well right now.
That's what this conversation should be about: THE DOWNFALLS OF BEING A WHITE MALE. I'm sure only 95% of the posters here fall under that category anyways..