quick description: a guy I worked with in ND had a girlfriend, she 'bought' my car by agreeing to pay 200 a month for 10 months. A week later they disappeared back to Spokane. I have the address of her dad, where I assume she lives since she's too strung out to even afford her phone bills.
Short story shorter, at this point I want to help out a skier in need, since I have no hope of ever getting the remaining 1800 for this car. If you are in the area and are a badass, we can switch the title to you and you can repo it yourself, and your only cost is to transfer the title.
Mind you, I don't know what condition it's in since I haven't been able to contact them for 6 months. so here's my car when I had it almost 2 years ago:
it's rattle canned black, I know don't judge me. by now, who knows what color it is.
send help