duuude.Pretty new to cameras myself, but can you explain why this camera wouldn't be the best to shoot in manual mode? Thanks
Most of the better cameras have two different scroll wheels to adjust settings, for example, my D600 has a scrollwheel where the index finger is, and another on the back for the thumb. Both control exposure settings independently. The D5300 doesn't have this. You have to hold a button down and scroll the wheel in order to change shutter speed. It's fine, but it's a lot more cludgy than having two independent adjustments.
BlackcountryBillThe only two issues I've had with this camera are the lack of manual white balance, you have to measure from a photo, and the lack of a focus motor for older lenses. Otherwise, it's killer.
Honestly, the AWB on the D5300 is pretty damn good I have to admit... It's rarely incorrect, even in extreme conditions like snow - least from when I've used it. As for the focus motor for older lenses? I mean, it's not ideal, but on DX, you don't really want the older lenses all the time anyway. maybe for tele zooms and stuff it's annoying, but most G lenses are perfectly set up for Nikon's crop bodies.. My issue with it is changing the aperture in live-view doesn't work very with the G-lenses unless you have the D800. Luckily with the manual lenses you can work around this... So just invest in vintage glass and you'll be fine.
**This post was edited on Sep 14th 2014 at 10:02:33pm