Dolan.EscobarWhy should i change my view on beauty? Beauty isnt as subjective as you might hope it is.
In my experience there are very few girls you come across that are interesting and pretty much all of them arent good looking. Im talking about talking to girls the who literally treat you like shit and act like the whole world will forever be after them. Im polite enough that i dont pop their balloon and tell them that the whole world will not be after them for too much longer. All im saying is that alot of stuck up bitches deserve what happens to them when they age.
Yeah but for a person to auto assume that your lame it reflects poorly on themselves. If somebody tries to make conversation with me, guy or girl, hot or not, i always am friendly to them.
Im talking about girls ill go up to saying something like "how you like this music?" And ill get some smart ass rude response when i was just trying to be nice.
That is awesome
Eureka watson, you got it
why should you change your standard of beauty? because you sound like a petty fuckwad who thinks that women should all be perfect tens and should treat you like a god. newsflash, bitches and non bitches get vericose veins in their 20s, along with saggy tits, and cellulite. some 20 year olds still have acne. so you're analogy that women who are pretty today aren't tomorrow is specifically the illness with young women, the reason women have body images issues, the reason we shame what is natural. another news flash is that women aren't really actually physically women until their mid 20s, when they stop developing, and their shape takes an actual form of a woman. not that 16 year old chick you've idolized and fantasized over with a perfect ass and perky tits. even porn stars are covered in make up, ass cheeks included(lest we forget all the enhancement surgery!). what you think is a woman's natural beauty, is a fuck ton of work, and make up. sure, there's an odd chance a chick is dumb, just as much as there's an odd chance that you're ugly and girls want nothing to do with a perfect 3. you deserve premature ejaculation and a flacid penis that even cialis can't fix.
when i was 18-23 i was a rude bitch to 30+ year old men, you know why? because i didn't need to be some assholes side trick, or his pedophilia kick fullfillment. women aren't a commodity or a game. if she doesn't want to talk to you, there's a reason beyond she thinks she's hot shit.