These fine upstanding members of the religion of peace are at it again... Stay tuned!
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Ralph_Swaggumsomething tells me ISIS will keep doing this until they actually do something that is real heinous then the supershitstormtsunami will be unleashed on them and they will be put down like rabid dogs.
Bombogenesiswell I mean the rounding up of 1500 people and executing them one by one on one day was pretty heinous
Ralph_Swaggumissue is it's not going to really provoke international response until it's Europeans or Americans getting killed en masse. To the rest of the world it's just another round of middle east violence where no one quite knows how to handle the situation.
JAHpowSo I guess Obama was being given intelligence reports a year ago on the rise of ISIS. It makes me angry that we could have been intervening on them a long time ago.
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RusticlesNobody found the vid yet?? Had a quick look, couldn't get it
Obviously NSFL
RusticlesThank you,
These people need some fucking hobbies besides religion and killing.
(What does nsfl mean?)
TRVP_LVRD^. Yeah but they live in the Middle East. The asshole of the world. Nothing to do there except smoke hookah and work.
DingoSeanI kinda find it funny that everyone's so damned surprised this happened.
Phil-X-This is the first time I've heard that anyone is surprised.. Everyone expected it..
I support the Kurds too, but they can make progress go to shit just as quickly
KillaSeasonNuke. The. Middle. East.
john18061806Joe Biden using the 9/11 rhetorical strategy. Then he fucking goes off at 1:35, like chill bruh.
.frenchyI don't even like Obama or Biden but what was wrong with that speech?
.frenchyI don't even like Obama or Biden but what was wrong with that speech?
Phil-X-Same here, that was actually one of the best things I've heard come out of his mouth.
"We will follow them to the gates of hell, because thats where they will reside"
- Pretty big statement, considering that all these IS fighters believe they will be all holy in death while fighting. The vice president goes on television and says "do you think that killing him really scares us? were going to hunt you down like we have before, and send you straight to hell"
If you were in a different country and the strongest nation in the word had its VP say something like that you'd think "ah.. fuck"
loganschnurWhat we need to do is..... glass those fucking psychos until nothing will grow there for another 1000 years. HALO-style.
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.frenchyHaha exactly... I'm actually curious as to where this is gonna go. IMO we should of stayed in Iraq, we just(kinda) left, now we might go back? I want to see these fuckers get their shit pushed in. I may even do it myself if we do put boots on the ground (Going to ARMY recruiter this winter)
These pedophile camel jockeys have no chance against the US/NATO.... zero fuckin chance. we will exterminate them, with the help of Assad too i'm assuming.
KillaSeasonNuke. The. Middle. East.
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Granite_StateI don't want to spend 1 more fucking tax dollar funding a war we will never win.
PULLThis so much. ISIS is a direct creation of american intervention. What I mean is that the more the US "invades" countries like Iraq, palestine, and afghanistan the more the countries in the region despise us thus creating groups like ISIS and increasing popular support for the taliban. If america could just back off and out completely I believe it would solve most of the problems relating to terrorism and fears we have. America has this ideology that the best defense is an attack, but what we have realized since we've "invaded" is that if we wanted we could easily wipe them off the face of the planet, and thus we have turned our invasion into a military run humanitarian mission with no popular support. The fact is that most middle eastern nations and their respective terrorist groups have little financial backing and little to no ability to attack overseas. Now there's no question that what theyre doing to their own citizens is wrong, but believing that if we don't exterminate them that they will exterminate us is a complete fallacy. If we can just fix the holes, which we have already basically done with the tight butthole airport security, it will not be difficult to defend against these "international threats" everybody is so scared of. To conclude, if we could just pull out completely and let them do their thing so we can do our thing it would solve most problems regarding terrorism and lift a large weight off of the american economy.
.frenchyCool. These people need to be stopped. It's on the verge of something really bad to happen, pretty sure ISIS or islamic extremists stole 11 planes a week or two ago.. With 9/11 coming up soon I don't know what they're planning.
Many people agree, and disagree with you. God, I wish George W. Bush was still president.
Dude, ISIS has plenty of money to attack over seas. And terrorists don't just hate America because we go to war in the Middle East.... They hate all the Westernized countries......
DingoSeanThat's if they have any idea how to even get one of those off the ground.
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Food_Stampstotally agree with the fear mongering.......butttttt are you familiar with emp attacks? the threat is very real...
DingoSeanThat's if they have any idea how to even get one of those off the ground.
The referenced post has been removed. bit was Snowden via Wikileaks, which I read about a couple of weeks ago yet now can't find anything reliable on it at all, strangely, so apologies on that. In regards to the training of Syrian rebels, I should mention that I wasn't implying they were trained by western military for the direct purpose of eventually becoming IS militants, that is just where they've unfortunately been reported to have ended up. On their training:, though on their defection to IS, I can't really see anything valuable to confirm what i said. I swear I read that somewhere a bit ago, as well. I'll keep looking
Yeah, that is true - their reported haul from Mosul's central bank was pretty substantial. That original vacuum of support (financially and otherwise) did properly set them up though, regardless of whether those original donors are still funding them now. The momentum they have gained and just the swarming of mass allegiance they've been given is pretty insane
_DUSTY_I can say right now the Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi being trained by the CIA and Mossad, along with Snowden confirming this is just straight made up. If you google "Politifact Islamic State Edward Snowden" they give a good explanation why this conspiracy theory holds no water.