BrenoneThere are all kinds of day bus trips you can take. There is a bus that runs out of Port Authority directly to Mountain Creek. Go to Paragon Sports on 18th and Broadway, EMS in Soho or REI (also in Soho) on Houston and ask about bus trips. They all run trips to Vermont and most of the mountains in lower NY (Wyndham etc....)
There is a group on for NYC skiers. Its mostly older people but they are always arranging day trips.
There are plenty of skiers here in NYC. You just have to find them! Im to old to go hit urban otherwise Id join you. lol
Awesome man! Thanks for the advice.
iFlipWhich college are you attending? As has been said, there are frequent (daily, I believe) bus trips from NYC to mountains in the Catskills such as Hunter, Windham, and Belleayre. I would imagine your college has a ski club. If so, they surely have it all figured out.
And I go to the new school, I don't think that we have one unfortunately, but it certainly couldn't hurt to double check.