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Jeebus.thats clearly hippy, you tard.
wepresidentnowwhy is there something rather than nothing?
christians: 1
ateists: 0
Jeebus.It's been shown that christians are pretty smart people
las.No it hasn't. In fact the opposite has been proven
You cannot disprove or prove the existence of god, so I say why bother arguing about.
You cannot disprove or prove the existence of god, so I say why bother arguing about.
AstompWell do tell jesusman... enlighten us uneducated folk. ...goat killer
You cannot disprove or prove the existence of god, so I say why bother arguing about.
Granite_StateThe one where that old guy with the beard rides the dragon in the sky while shooting lightning bolts out of his fingertips.
zzzskizzzThats a cop out anwser, you definitely side with one more than the other. But if you think there's a chance God actually does exist then you should probably go to church because there's a chance you could go to hell.
You cannot disprove or prove the existence of god, so I say why bother arguing about.
DingoSeanI do drugs
DrailWhy can't you believe that the idea of a higher power might be possible without there being a heaven and hell? Things don't have to be black and white - life, and everything involved is up to interpretation.
My personal opinion though: Everything contradicts itself at some point if you look small or big enough. Physics is broken, so we obviously aren't seeing it understanding the full picture as of yet. Perhaps we are to the universe as mitochondria is to a cell.
Not picking a side is not a cop out. Blind faith one way or the other with refusal to look at things with a completely open mind to any possibility - now that is the real cop out.
TheJesusManWell the best way to be enlighten is to read the satanic bible yourself. You can easily find a pdf of the book on internet. But since nobody seems read "books" anymore...
LaVeyan Satanism is one of several distinct religions identifying itself as Satanic. Followers are atheists who stress dependence on the self rather than reliance on any outside power. It encourages individualism, hedonism, materialism, ego, personal initiative, self-worth and self-determinism.
To the LaVeyan Satanist, Satan is a myth, just like God and other deities. Satan is also, however, incredibly symbolic, representing all of those things within our natures that outsiders might tell us is dirty and unacceptable. The chant of “Hail Satan!” is really saying “Hail me!” It exults the self and rejects the self-denying lessons of society. Finally, Satan represents rebellion, just as Satan rebelled against God in Christianity. Identifying oneself as a Satanist is to go against expectations, cultural norms, and religious creeds.
Yes this is copy pasted, I'm too tired to write something myself. My intentions were not to call you uneducated, it is medias fault that there are some big misconceptions about satanism. And I understand that if youre not intrested about satanism you cant know what it really is about.
Jeebus.Athiests r dum
milk_manI consider my 'religion' to be more of a relationship than a religion.
las.That's pretty gay, dude
You cannot disprove or prove the existence of god, so I say why bother arguing about.
zzzskizzzthat started off good, then it went downhill when you tried to talk about physics. this thread is about religion "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods." if you want to believe and worship a superhuman controlling the universe, good on you. But I'm not believing it until I see proof, which there is none of. you want to try to say that I'm close minded because of that go ahead.
lIllI"Agnosticism" is a modifier, not a position. There are agnostic theists, agnostic deists, and agnostic atheists. Saying you're "agnostic" doesn't answer the question.
I don't care what people believe; I just think gnosticism of any type is fundamentally idiotic.
AT-ATI personsally don't believe that god exists, but i haven't been presented with any evidence to suggest he can't exist.
DrailAre they not interrelated?