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SirBucklesCandide Thovex doesn't compete anymore I don't think besides the Candide invitational which may happen again, but I still love to watch him ski.
joesdapoesI dont think he should be left behind or somerhing like that, and im noy gonna deny he has mad skills, but i think he is being overrated
joesdapoesI dont think he should be left behind or somerhing like that, and im noy gonna deny he has mad skills, but i think he is being overrated
DiggaTHall i still throwing down on pillows like no one else.
joesdapoesbut i think he is being overrated
joesdapoesI dont think he should be left behind or somerhing like that, and im noy gonna deny he has mad skills, but i think he is being overrated
skodeo7You're totally right; Candide, Morrison, Coombs, Schmidt, McConkey, Plake, also overrated. Go ahead and google them too while you're trying to figure out what Tanner has accomplished in his career.
.Bobo.overrrated? are you on drugs?
snowballsdeepthese children need to learn some respect for the sport and the people who started it. just because Op wasn't out of his moms vag yet to see it doesn't give him the excuse for these ignorant statements.
danbrownare you
El_Barto.Tanner Hall will always be the boss.
Glen Plakes era is still going and so will Tanners
El_Barto.Glen Plakes era is still going
Crystal.CarvThe industry can't afford to lose the next generation of skiers, skier cross needs to be slowed down and made more technical, everyone should "quit glamorizing powder skiing" and use a guide in the backcountry, and that the Olympics will ruin freeskiing by "homogenizing" it...
And skiers should get back to the basics. “There are some traditions that built this sport that have been pushed away,” Plake says. “If there’s a revolution I’d like to be a part of, it’s bringing technique back.” - GrindTV
joesdapoesI have a LOT of respect for tHall, and love him for what he did to freeskiing, but i think his time is over. A lot of kids ski better in park (not Halls field, iknow) but i think a lot of backcountry skiers are better as well
413Crewpeople need to relize when there time is up like he is a dope skier but its almost like hes idk haha he should like retire. might aswell quit while your ahead because he could get like really hurt
Crystal.Carvhttp://www.grindtv.com/action-sports/snow/post/legendary-skier-glen-plake-says-freeskiing-losing-its-roots-olympics-pose-threat/ (Feb 5, 2014)
Interestingly, I think this whole Freeskiing movement with bigger airs and terrain park skiing is antithetical to people's softer bones, which I suspect is the cause of so many injuries, and thereby I'm not writing off those injuries as something that is inherent to a simply dangerous sport; and now an even more risky aspect to it (freeskiing.) Rather, it's actually softer bones, that can be due to manganese deficiency (and other nutritional deficiencies) which is caused by glyphosate.. (aka round-up herbicide) that is used on many of today's agricultural crops.
see vid 1:43:10 - Stephanie Seneff, "soft bones are epidemic in the US today" caused by poor chondroitin sulfate synthesis in the cartilage, due to manganese deficiency, caused by glyphosate.
To me, you could even call the Tanner Hall era (if that's what you want to call it) the Trampoline era of skiing. The era coming up I would call the gymnasium era, with all the harnesses and formalities that come with it (including safety.) Personally, if I had children and they wanted to get into "freeskiing" I would see it as a sport unto itself, like gymnastics, and that it thus requires the coaching and progression that come with it. It's not really that free when there's so much artificiality or such a venturing away from the roots. Even safety protection to me is an artificiality -- if you need it so much, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.
MLJThat safety thing is totally wrong. Anyone skiing can fuck up, park skiing is especially vulnerable because of rails and big jumps. If you think that people who want to live past the age of 20 and this ski more etc you are pretty fucking wrong
ThaLoraxYa because skiing stops being fun when you're not the best in the world anymore. You should quit skiing too by that logic.
413Crewim just saying that as he gets old maybe he should tone it down a lil just so he dosent get hurt or something like that
413Crewno man thats not what i ment i saying that he should still keep skiing i mean hes a great skier im just saying that as he gets old maybe he should tone it down a lil just so he dosent get hurt or something like that
413Crewno man thats not what i ment i saying that he should still keep skiing i mean hes a great skier im just saying that as he gets old maybe he should tone it down a lil just so he dosent get hurt or something like that
.Bobo.since the dawn of time.
BASEDJAHAnd when Jah created the world, he said unto the earth, "let there be ski boss"
BASEDJAHAnd when Jah created the world, he said unto the earth, "let there be ski boss"
TetonGravitySquaw throwing switch 5s off random sidehits going super fast.