Ok, here's how the story goes:
Once upon a time, I went to a gymnastics place and wanted to learn to back flip. My friend taught me everything I needed to know to flip, and I was throwing them into the foam pit no problemo, it was a ton of fun. I went to the tramp, and this is when it went bad. Throwing my flips, I would stall in the air, upside down, and had trouble getting it around without massive air (probs due to commitment issues). This freaked me out a ton, so I went back to the foam pit. I attempted to throw a back flip into the foam pit, and landed straight on my neck. I couldn't get enough nerve to flip anymore that day.
Go ahead about 6 months later, i'm tired of having a ski season not being able to back flip. I could do lincolns, front flips, misty, strange corks, whatever I wanted on the tramp. Except back flips... so I said I would flip it that day. I spent 2 HOURS trying to get the nerve to try it again. Every time I would go to throw it, I would freak out and not do it. I finally did it after another hour of back bounces, backward rolls, and trying to get comfortable with it. When I stomped it, I was more terrified than excited. I am not sure what to do, there is a serious mental block between me and this trick. I spent another hour trying the trick today and had no luck.
Anyone have any thoughts on getting past this fear? Sorry for the rant, i'm just fed up with myself. I have no clue what to do anymore.