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I don't think he understands they get those people get handouts because they generally have it harder... The more black people that can get educated, despite how poor their family is, can hopefully have children who don't need the handouts.
louie.miragsI don't think he understands they get those people get handouts because they generally have it harder... The more black people that can get educated, despite how poor their family is, can hopefully have children who don't need the handouts.
I don't get the have it harder? I'm not trying to be a dick, I honestly don't get how people have this thought anymore.
If you say it has to do with family issues, or issues where they grow up, or influence of inner city gangs and drug trade, look no further than the parents. Parents set their kids up for this "having it harder", and last time i checked genetics, you can only have kids that are the same race as the parents. This doesn't matter what you skin color is. Parents set their child's environment for them.
So what you saying by giving "minorities" (I hate this word, we are all humans) all this handouts is that they are not good enough, that they are lesser than the "white people." You are continuing this cycle that says they are different. I am responsible for my well-being, i am a human, all humans should be responsible for their own well being.
AT-ATI don't get the have it harder? I'm not trying to be a dick, I honestly don't get how people have this thought anymore.
If you say it has to do with family issues, or issues where they grow up, or influence of inner city gangs and drug trade, look no further than the parents. Parents set their kids up for this "having it harder", and last time i checked genetics, you can only have kids that are the same race as the parents. This doesn't matter what you skin color is. Parents set their child's environment for them.
So what you saying by giving "minorities" (I hate this word, we are all humans) all this handouts is that they are not good enough, that they are lesser than the "white people." You are continuing this cycle that says they are different. I am responsible for my well-being, i am a human, all humans should be responsible for their own well being.
No. It's not many generations ago when they were sales, and even less when they were lesser citizens. The goal is to get the people with the bad parents educated, so they can have better lives. In return they will become better parents. Yes, it is their parents fault, you're right. But, how is that going to change? We're lucky to be born into white middle class family's (I'm assuming you're the same) and we can't understand what it would be like to be born to shitbag parents. Lots of them get shitty hands in life and we won the lotto in relation.
Only quoting this to save up space. I get that they have it harder in life, but people like that have so many opportunities to make something of themselves but they don't. A lot of colleges have Native American and African American help centers. I see maybe three or four people there at the most when I walk past it. There isn't a lack of help but a lack of interest and motivation.
AT-ATI don't get the have it harder? I'm not trying to be a dick, I honestly don't get how people have this thought anymore.
If you say it has to do with family issues, or issues where they grow up, or influence of inner city gangs and drug trade, look no further than the parents. Parents set their kids up for this "having it harder", and last time i checked genetics, you can only have kids that are the same race as the parents. This doesn't matter what you skin color is. Parents set their child's environment for them.
So what you saying by giving "minorities" (I hate this word, we are all humans) all this handouts is that they are not good enough, that they are lesser than the "white people." You are continuing this cycle that says they are different. I am responsible for my well-being, i am a human, all humans should be responsible for their own well being.
You were not responsible for your well being growing up, your parents were. wealth inequality is the biggest it's ever been in this country, you're up being now comes down to genetic lottery. Maybe you should go down into the inner city and meet some poor people, shockingly you'll see some people can no longer work or they are hard workers just not very educated. but hypothetically maybe you're right maybe they're all just lazy people who sit on couches and watch TV. a lot of times we get old people that are so malnourished that they're taken to the hospital because they've been eating cat food for months and are riddled with osteomalacia. It must be very easy to sit there and judge other people with your parents $200,000+ they'very spent on your "well being" growing up. inb4 your dumb ass argument of well then poor people shouldn't have children ever.
roddy116Only quoting this to save up space. I get that they have it harder in life, but people like that have so many opportunities to make something of themselves but they don't. A lot of colleges have Native American and African American help centers. I see maybe three or four people there at the most when I walk past it. There isn't a lack of help but a lack of interest and motivation.
Having an opportunity, recognizing an opportunity and taking advantage of an opportunity are not the same thing.
You don't start looking for scholarships or post secondary education opportunities if you aren't going to graduate. You aren't going to graduate if you are working a full time job to put food on the table for your younger brothers and sisters because your parents are unemployed and alcoholics.
What if you have FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) because your mom drank when she was pregnant? You look normal and for the most part act normal. Some people might say you have ADD. You can hold a basic job, but the minute you are given more responsibility you screw it up. Not because you are a bad person, but because you are easily influenced by others, have no impulse control, have poor short term memory and are easily distracted. How do you take advantage of opportunities?
What about Native American and African American families who were given opportunities and then taken advantage of or screwed? There is a pretty long history of that and people are still wary.
AT-ATI don't get the have it harder? I'm not trying to be a dick, I honestly don't get how people have this thought anymore.
If you say it has to do with family issues, or issues where they grow up, or influence of inner city gangs and drug trade, look no further than the parents. Parents set their kids up for this "having it harder", and last time i checked genetics, you can only have kids that are the same race as the parents. This doesn't matter what you skin color is. Parents set their child's environment for them.
So what you saying by giving "minorities" (I hate this word, we are all humans) all this handouts is that they are not good enough, that they are lesser than the "white people." You are continuing this cycle that says they are different. I am responsible for my well-being, i am a human, all humans should be responsible for their own well being.
The beauty of white privilege is that most are so privileged they don't even realize it. It's like the story of the two goldfish- one says to the other "Water's nice today, eh?" and the other replies... "What the fuck is water?"
See, you're so enveloped in special circumstances i.e.- financially secure upbringing, availability of entry-level work for you, good school systems and probably two parents that have enough time to properly parent you since they each make enough at one job... That you don't even realize how special that is because it's just how it's always been for you.
By showing your inability to understand WHY those programs are needed you are pretty much admitting that your life is dripping with white privilege- literally you're so fucking privileged you have no idea how others don't "make it" since even your laziest buddies Tanner, Skylar and Connor all have jobs. Lol.
You might as well throw out "let them eat cake" as a solution to widespread poverty and an ever-widening income equality in this country if that's how you assess racial equality. It just doesn't make sense in any capacity unless you're a below-the-bar underachieving white person who's getting passed up because you are in the bottom percentile that is actually effected by these programs- even given your white privilege status- and that makes you mad. You should really just be mad at yourself for dropping the sweet pass life threw you after you were already born in the end zone by being born into an upper-middle class white suburban family.
AT-ATSo what you saying by giving "minorities" (I hate this word, we are all humans) all this handouts is that they are not good enough, that they are lesser than the "white people." You are continuing this cycle that says they are different. I am responsible for my well-being, i am a human, all humans should be responsible for their own well being.
These 'minorities' are give handouts and opportunities white people don't get because they are at a statistical disadvantage (income/poverty levels, level of education, employment, etc). It's like running a 100m race, but starting 20m back and being expected to win without some kind of advantage at the start.
In a perfect world, I agree that all humans should be responsible for their own well being, but that simply isn't possible. The world is far more complicated than that and there is often multiple problems facing people who are already at a disadvantage.
Huck_NorrisThe beauty of white privilege is that most are so privileged they don't even realize it. It's like the story of the two goldfish- one says to the other "Water's nice today, eh?" and the other replies... "What the fuck is water?"
See, you're so enveloped in special circumstances i.e.- financially secure upbringing, availability of entry-level work for you, good school systems and probably two parents that have enough time to properly parent you since they each make enough at one job... That you don't even realize how special that is because it's just how it's always been for you.
By showing your inability to understand WHY those programs are needed you are pretty much admitting that your life is dripping with white privilege- literally you're so fucking privileged you have no idea how others don't "make it" since even your laziest buddies Tanner, Skylar and Connor all have jobs. Lol.
You might as well throw out "let them eat cake" as a solution to widespread poverty and an ever-widening income equality in this country if that's how you assess racial equality. It just doesn't make sense in any capacity unless you're a below-the-bar underachieving white person who's getting passed up because you are in the bottom percentile that is actually effected by these programs- even given your white privilege status- and that makes you mad. You should really just be mad at yourself for dropping the sweet pass life threw you after you were already born in the end zone by being born into an upper-middle class white suburban family.
I was not born into upper middle class, sorry. Both my parents worked two jobs to help support me and my sister growing up.
I started mowing lawns when I was 12, by 14 i was selling firewood with the help of my dad, I started my first job when I was sixteen, and throughout the summers in highschool and college i worked 60+ hour weeks and two jobs so I could help pay for college and other expenses.
Yes I was lucky enough to be born into it, but do not think that I am so rich white bum. My whole family busted their asses so I could have the life I live now.
By creating these "need" based programs all you're doing is robbing from hard working families like mine and giving it those who are "in need." Some whom may deserve it.
But to many times do I see these "in need" people flashing new nikes and using their EBT card to buy racks of ribs and steak. Ever go to a supermarket at 12:00 am on the first of the month? I have and it's disgusting. The lobster tank is full at 11:59pm and by 10am the next day it is damn near empty, and no, I hate fox news.
I only have pity for the kids, they have no choice in where they are born, and what they have to deal with, and i know i have no clue what it is like to be in their shoes, but neither do you. Do you think giving to their parents will help? Because I know it won't, it doesn't. Their parents after all are the ones that decided it would be a good idea to have a kid, and raise them in the hell that they call living.
I have seen mothers calculating how much more money they'd get from the state if that had another kid. Go to a family court if you don't believe me. The employees there can tell you the amount of abuse of the system that goes on.
I do not know the solution to the problem, but i do know that giving away all these freebies does not help. /rant
AT-ATI was not born into upper middle class, sorry. Both my parents worked two jobs to help support me and my sister growing up.
I started mowing lawns when I was 12, by 14 i was selling firewood with the help of my dad, I started my first job when I was sixteen, and throughout the summers in highschool and college i worked 60+ hour weeks and two jobs so I could help pay for college and other expenses.
Yes I was lucky enough to be born into it, but do not think that I am so rich white bum. My whole family busted their asses so I could have the life I live now.
By creating these "need" based programs all you're doing is robbing from hard working families like mine and giving it those who are "in need." Some whom may deserve it.
But to many times do I see these "in need" people flashing new nikes and using their EBT card to buy racks of ribs and steak. Ever go to a supermarket at 12:00 am on the first of the month? I have and it's disgusting. The lobster tank is full at 11:59pm and by 10am the next day it is damn near empty, and no, I hate fox news.
I only have pity for the kids, they have no choice in where they are born, and what they have to deal with, and i know i have no clue what it is like to be in their shoes, but neither do you. Do you think giving to their parents will help? Because I know it won't, it doesn't. Their parents after all are the ones that decided it would be a good idea to have a kid, and raise them in the hell that they call living.
I have seen mothers calculating how much more money they'd get from the state if that had another kid. Go to a family court if you don't believe me. The employees there can tell you the amount of abuse of the system that goes on.
I do not know the solution to the problem, but i do know that giving away all these freebies does not help. /rant
gonna go out on a limb here and say you're a white, north american, male
wepresidentnowgonna go out on a limb here and say you're a white, north american, male
Actually I am of a high enough percentage to be seen as a native american in the eyes of the state, so no, I'm a native american, male, from north america.
AT-ATActually I am of a high enough percentage to be seen as a native american in the eyes of the state, so no, I'm a native american, male, from north america.
The fact that you were born into a upper class family, it shows why you have no sense of what it is like to be born poor. Not that I can relate to being super poor, but I feel for them.
AT-ATI was not born into upper middle class, sorry. Both my parents worked two jobs to help support me and my sister growing up.
I started mowing lawns when I was 12, by 14 i was selling firewood with the help of my dad, I started my first job when I was sixteen, and throughout the summers in highschool and college i worked 60+ hour weeks and two jobs so I could help pay for college and other expenses.
Yes I was lucky enough to be born into it, but do not think that I am so rich white bum. My whole family busted their asses so I could have the life I live now.
By creating these "need" based programs all you're doing is robbing from hard working families like mine and giving it those who are "in need." Some whom may deserve it.
But to many times do I see these "in need" people flashing new nikes and using their EBT card to buy racks of ribs and steak. Ever go to a supermarket at 12:00 am on the first of the month? I have and it's disgusting. The lobster tank is full at 11:59pm and by 10am the next day it is damn near empty, and no, I hate fox news.
I only have pity for the kids, they have no choice in where they are born, and what they have to deal with, and i know i have no clue what it is like to be in their shoes, but neither do you. Do you think giving to their parents will help? Because I know it won't, it doesn't. Their parents after all are the ones that decided it would be a good idea to have a kid, and raise them in the hell that they call living.
I have seen mothers calculating how much more money they'd get from the state if that had another kid. Go to a family court if you don't believe me. The employees there can tell you the amount of abuse of the system that goes on.
I do not know the solution to the problem, but i do know that giving away all these freebies does not help. /rant
That's awesome that your parents worked hard and taught you the value of a solid work ethic. Lots of people don't get that and don't know any better.
Believe it or not, everyone likes nice stuff, regardless of income. People have difficultly managing money, regardless of income.
How do you break the cycle of families taking advantage of the system. If your grandparents did and your parents did and all your relatives do, how is it fair to expect you to do things differently?
Some people abuse the system, but not as many as you think. Most people who are in the system have legitimate reason to be.
AT-ATI have seen mothers calculating how much more money they'd get from the state if that had another kid. Go to a family court if you don't believe me. The employees there can tell you the amount of abuse of the system that goes on.
I do not know the solution to the problem, but i do know that giving away all these freebies does not help. /rant
You don't know jack shit about anything. That's cool you're against food stamps and welfare fraud, can you tell me how much money it cost the country every year. Now can you look at corporate tax evasion and the financial crisis and tell me how much money banks and businesses have cost America over the last few years. Now look at the giant war we've been having can you tell me how much economic strain thats put on our country? Now can you look at government corruption and tell me how much money that cost US per year? There are much more important money pits that we should be fighting in this country.
AT-ATActually I am of a high enough percentage to be seen as a native american in the eyes of the state, so no, I'm a native american, male, from north america.
So what? 1/8th? 1/16th? That would be like expecting everyone to refer to Tiger Woods as Chinese because one of his great grandparents was.
zzzskizzzYou don't know jack shit about anything. That's cool you're against food stamps and welfare fraud, can you tell me how much money it cost the country every year. Now can you look at corporate tax evasion and the financial crisis and tell me how much money banks and businesses have cost America over the last few years. Now look at the giant war we've been having can you tell me how much economic strain thats put on our country? Now can you look at government corruption and tell me how much money that cost US per year? There are much more important money pits that we should be fighting in this country.
Revenue lost from corporate tax evasion is hard to find, I have seen anywhere from 30 billion to 70 billion per year.
Lets not forget that the US has the second highest rate of taxing on corporations. So if we were to tighten the grip there, there is nothing stopping them from setting up in another country and paying 0 in corporate tax here.
Section 8 housing at 16 billion in 2009, at 3% that's 18.5 billion.
What i have learned from this is that we spend way to much of healthcare and military.
Revenue lost from corporate tax evasion is hard to find, I have seen anywhere from 30 billion to 70 billion per year.
Lets not forget that the US has the second highest rate of taxing on corporations. So if we were to tighten the grip there, there is nothing stopping them from setting up in another country and paying 0 in corporate tax here.
Section 8 housing at 16 billion in 2009, at 3% that's 18.5 billion.
What i have learned from this is that we spend way to much of healthcare and military.
shockingly your numbers are a little low in the area you're trying to defend, and a little high in other areas..... I said fraud not the people who are using it and actually need it. You're also the same kid who lied about his grandmother starting a multi million dollar company in your argument for health care. Or that's true and you're lying now about coming from nothing. After Obamacare was implemented health care costs are actually going down on the return rates from insurance companies are going up. we also have some of the highest returns in the usa as well which is why international companies get wet dreams about selling their products in America. and guess what we can stop it from happening if we make it illegal for companies to go oversea and tell them if they do it they can no longer sell their products here, I promise you that will change real fast.
milk_manThis whole riot is dumb. Michael brown was in the wrong. The rioters are supporting a criminal who isn't innocent at all
no. what is dumb is using paramilitary (who are supposed to be serving and protecting) to stop protesters. This is America. Not some communist country. If people want to protest they have every right.
On his knees? Because you were really there... Fucking idiot. The cop had serious facial injuries, you're probably one of those kids who calls cops pigs. Fuck off.
louie.miragsno. what is dumb is using paramilitary (who are supposed to be serving and protecting) to stop protesters. This is America. Not some communist country. If people want to protest they have every right.
This isn't harmless protesting. Someone got killed! It got out of hand and that's why they're there
louie.miragsno. what is dumb is using paramilitary (who are supposed to be serving and protecting) to stop protesters. This is America. Not some communist country. If people want to protest they have every right.
roddy116raiding and looting stores =/= protesting.
and you are a fucking moron if you think all that is happening is stores being raided and looted. The peaceful protests far outweigh the damaging riots...
Revenue lost from corporate tax evasion is hard to find, I have seen anywhere from 30 billion to 70 billion per year.
Lets not forget that the US has the second highest rate of taxing on corporations. So if we were to tighten the grip there, there is nothing stopping them from setting up in another country and paying 0 in corporate tax here.
Section 8 housing at 16 billion in 2009, at 3% that's 18.5 billion.
What i have learned from this is that we spend way to much of healthcare and military.
Corporate tax evasion is no one elses fault besides the government. Why would a business whos job is to maximize profit want to stay in a place where the taxes are the highest in the world. US wants corporate taxes back? We should lower them to competitive levels. 12% is better than 0%. I am sick of people blaming corporations. Exxon earns average of $0.04 on a gallon of gas while the US gov taxes $0.48. Who really is at fault?
so the right-wingers are now blogging and yelling from the hilltops that officer darren wilson suffered an orbital eye socket fracture/blowout during the incident.
I don't know if that's true, but if it is, he is still in the hospital--he would need reconstructive surgery, and it will be obvious when he is seen.
my brother had an orbital eye socket fracture..and id doesnt exactly go unnoticed...
snobunnyso the right-wingers are now blogging and yelling from the hilltops that officer darren wilson suffered an orbital eye socket fracture/blowout during the incident.
I don't know if that's true, but if it is, he is still in the hospital--he would need reconstructive surgery, and it will be obvious when he is seen.
my brother had an orbital eye socket fracture..and id doesnt exactly go unnoticed...
damn, that pic came out a lot bigger than i had inteded.
also-- im not saying the cop doesnt have serious facial injuries--but there's just no way he didn't need medical treatment if he had an orbital fracture.
he was at a work party with some friends after a mariners game. the guy who lived in the apartment who was a coworker of my brothers apparently had some sketch ball friends over. One of them was a mentally unstable steroid user who was an ex-con. they were playing nintendo wii so they had moved the coffee table from the center of the room to in front of the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony. If anyone went outside, they had to step over the table. my brother went outside, and when he came back in, as he was stepping over the table he tripped, and made incidental contact with this friend of his coworkers. he apologized and stood up. a few minutes later the crazy guy came at him from behind and shoved him to the ground and put him in a choke hold until he passed out. he then flipped my brother over and proceeded to punch in him in the face as hard as he could over and over. When my brother came to he couldn't see, or talk, and didn't know where he was. called his girlfriend who came and picked him up.
to wrap it up, the state pressed charges, it went to trial with jury, and he was sentenced to 7 years.
but its a horrible injury-- it requires going in and putting in an orbital implant to support the eye from just sagging into the cheek. the officer would be in the hospital.
Granite_Stateand you are a fucking moron if you think all that is happening is stores being raided and looted. The peaceful protests far outweigh the damaging riots...
snobunnydamn, that pic came out a lot bigger than i had inteded.
also-- im not saying the cop doesnt have serious facial injuries--but there's just no way he didn't need medical treatment if he had an orbital fracture.
The officer was taken to the ER straight after the incident.
jblaskiThe officer was taken to the ER straight after the incident.
source? I thought it said he stayed on the scene and was walking around and didn't appear injured.
Also the nypost is not a source-- they're a tabloid.
This whole thing is very strange--i wish they'd disclose some actual facts, so that there weren't these rumor mills on all the news and fake news sites-- but then again, i guess its still an open investigation.
I mean I understand that but it looks like the Ferguson police were dressed for a ground invasion in Afghanistan. I've seen countless photos of riot police, these guys look like fucking soldiers.
Also reports that a private security firm are guarding an "individual".
And more evidence of police deliberately firing tear gas at news crews, contradictory to what Fox News is saying (that SWAT is working with the journalists)
They were also firing rubber bullets at these reporters. There is another vid from Info Wars (in the vid when they are running away you see a black guy with them, he was the guy filming) kind of outlying how the media is lying in their coverage (at least Fox news). Cant imbed because its a facebook video though. Fucked.
Granite_StateI mean I understand that but it looks like the Ferguson police were dressed for a ground invasion in Afghanistan. I've seen countless photos of riot police, these guys look like fucking soldiers.
Also reports that a private security firm are guarding an "individual".
And more evidence of police deliberately firing tear gas at news crews, contradictory to what Fox News is saying (that SWAT is working with the journalists)
They were also firing rubber bullets at these reporters. There is another vid from Info Wars (in the vid when they are running away you see a black guy with them, he was the guy filming) kind of outlying how the media is lying in their coverage (at least Fox news). Cant imbed because its a facebook video though. Fucked.
snobunnysource? I thought it said he stayed on the scene and was walking around and didn't appear injured.
Also the nypost is not a source-- they're a tabloid.
This whole thing is very strange--i wish they'd disclose some actual facts, so that there weren't these rumor mills on all the news and fake news sites-- but then again, i guess its still an open investigation.
There were a ton of pictures of the guy standing around while Brown laid dead in front of him on the street. He was not acting injured at all for the multiple minutes that he stood there. Not touching/holding his face as you would if something was tender after a strike and he was not taking any action to seek medical attention. Orbital breaks are fucking hairy and there would be immediate- and very apparent- injury that is very obvious.
Also, standard procedure after ANY shooting is to alert EMS. Not only did he not do that for Brown but he didn't do it for himself either.
If he sustained any injury significant enough for hospitalization, he would have alerted EMS immediately- and would have been in immense pain and likely at least partial blindness instantly... The fact taht he showed no signs of injury immediately after the incident, and didn't alert EMS for any reason, I'd have to say a big fat NOPE!
Also the autopsy report concluded that none of the shots were fired from close range AND getting 8/10 shots (w/ 2 headshots) on target is unheard of in a high stress situation like that- supposedly in mid assault- and try that with a fractured orbital on top outside close range. Not gonna happen. Period.
I'm not saying Brown didn't do anything, but I do know that the officer's account is flat out impossible. Imfuckingpossible.
Curious if ANYONE heard about the black officer who killed an unarmed white teenager in Utah last week? Im sure the UTAh residents did but here in NYC...almost nothing. Would probably have no idea it happened it it wasnt for the internet.
The media is on a rampage. Race baiting america. Its so obvious what is going on. It drives massive ratings and increases profits. Not to mention that Obama has perpetuated the race problem as well. We are 30 years set back.
Curious if ANYONE heard about the black officer who killed an unarmed white teenager in Utah last week? Im sure the UTAh residents did but here in NYC...almost nothing. Would probably have no idea it happened it it wasnt for the internet.
The media is on a rampage. Race baiting america. Its so obvious what is going on. It drives massive ratings and increases profits. Not to mention that Obama has perpetuated the race problem as well. We are 30 years set back.
Curious if ANYONE heard about the black officer who killed an unarmed white teenager in Utah last week? Im sure the UTAh residents did but here in NYC...almost nothing. Would probably have no idea it happened it it wasnt for the internet.
The media is on a rampage. Race baiting america. Its so obvious what is going on. It drives massive ratings and increases profits. Not to mention that Obama has perpetuated the race problem as well. We are 30 years set back.
nothing new.. Like they turned the Malaysia missing flight into a mystery drama. People love that shit... News corporations see $$$$$$$