Always over the summer I have some sort of big project, when I was 10 I made my own go cart out of wood and old bikes. From then on I have always tried to have some summer project every year and this year thats been growing cannabis, what a surprise right? haha.
In an area close to Mendocino, CA my friend has some property. We all have our medical cards and we decided to get together and legally grow good healthy organic medicine. Mendocino county is something special, allowing regulated 99 plant outdoor gardens. We are well below that limit for many logical reasons. Getting to the point where the plants were in the ground was LOTS OF WORK, especially to get where we are today. We had property set up then many things fell through with the owners of the land. We had to talk to lawyers and get consulting all that good stuff. Then we had to find another spot of land, witch we eventually did.
We constructed a climate controlled greenhouse, even the amount of light the plants get is controlled. In total the greenhouse holds 15, 10 foot bushes and we have another couple dozen outside exploding in size.
We have used no nutrients so far and the plants are big and healthy growing in all organic soil, and water from the well. We had to make this 100% legal in our county so we had to get all our paperworks together and post that stuff up all over the place and we talked to multiple lawyers on the matter so we are legal to the T.
All of our parents hated our project at first, even though we work close to full time or full time at other jobs, and we all go to school in the fall. Now that my friends parents have seen our progress they are actually very impressed and support us and slowly my parents are becoming ok with it. Its crazy how determination fuels creativity and success and we have a local dispensary set up to take our extra medicine.
I have learned many things from this project about life. If you want to do something that may seem impossible, what ever that is you have to keep at it. You can make things happen. You will meet setbacks in your path to success but you have to push through them however hard or challenging they may seem. Failure is to give up. So go after your dreams, you can make them a reality.
Ideally one day I would like to grow Recreational/Medicinal cannabis that is recognized under federal law. That time still has yet to come.
Share your projects, it doesn't have to be summer project. Big or small, share them.