Intoxicated mr sloth here
Tell me ur NS crush
More later after this high lofe
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Mr.SlothIf your a blonde female or a blonde male you're in
immasI like how you send me a measly "I"
I think you're great too bb
Mr.SlothNO I sent u a I
Mr.SlothHave sent out series of creepy messages professing love
immasMy bad, did I get the wrong letter?
Mr.SlothBlondie (whatever gender you are) you have yet to earn an I
JakeSmithIf your name is pink
I might consider puttin it in yo stink
JakeSmithIf your name is pink
I might consider puttin it in yo stink
Mr.SlothNow sober, I regret this thread and my actions last evening.
milk_manToo bad you're 12 and he's probably not 12
Dolan.EscobarSnobunny i dont even...
immasRybak, Sloth, and Cummings are mine.
TheSeaCaptainThis is some bullshit. I gave you knowledge.
TheSeaCaptainThis is some bullshit. I gave you knowledge.
immasThnaks to the best student teacher ever. Xoxo
immasThnaks to the best student teacher ever. Xoxo
TheSeaCaptainHugs and kisses mo fuckas. Be jealous.
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SFBel gato is a very hadsome guy