mikemurdaYou're probably 16 then cus you missed out on the best of all.....STRIKE TREE
anyone putting movies from 2007-2014 in their top 5 don't know shit. ALL ski movies were better back in the day.
I am so tired of this circlejerk. Everything about the movie now is better. The skiings better, the locations are better, the cinematography is better, the editing is better, and there's generally more money being shoveled into these movies, which in turn makes them better.
Yes, earlier movies were probably more influential and more mind-blowing at the time, but that's how innovation works. It's a lot harder to innovate 15-20 years after the explosion of a sport than it is 5 years in, when there are less people doing less things. So take off the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia and realize that the new movies that are coming out haven't had a huge drop in quality, especially Level 1.