Humpsmaybe read them yourself before getting opinionated in that sense. they didn't get this far because the shows sucked. Chronologically (without giving shit away) there's still a whole other compendium (600+ or so pages) that I'm aware of anyway that hasn't even been touched. As far as events are concerned, they haven't strayed away too far or missed anything super groundbreaking.
I don't know how fast you expect them to go from fighting off cannibals at the beginning of the season to having a sanctuary they're working on establishing themselves at.
Fair enough on the comics, but it still stand that the last 3 to 4 episodes were merely filler to bridge the show to the next season. This is often an issue in second movies of a trilogy. If there isn't a story, and you're just writing to get to the next, better part, than something is wrong. It wasn't a good back half of the season. There's no getting around that man. It's not personal, its my opinion on strictly the show.
Plus, I thought they played it way too safe. If Glen had killed that guy- much more interesting show. If Maggie or Sasha had done more than just forgive Father Gabriel- interesting show. Instead they build up their morality play the whole season, and bail out on it in the end. And sure we have Rick's struggle, but really that storyline didn't even finish because now we'll just rehash the same thing with warrior monk Morgan bringing Rick back from the brink or something similar.