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ARGH NO!!!!!! CSIA NO!!!!
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
'it was a great season for the CSIA and the Canadian Freestyle Skiing Association in connection with the newly-developed level one free ski certification course.(WHAT THE SHIT). in a very short time, both organizations were able to develop the course curriculum(CURRICULUM?!?!?!?!) and a manual in order to deliver this course for the 2001-2002 season.
For those that are not familiar with the Level 1 Free Ski cert., this course covers all aspects of 'new school'. This includes safety aspects, an all-mountain component, and all the progressions in moguls, half-pipe, rails, air and switch skiing.
Venturing into a new type of skiing, the CSIA soared high and proud with one of the first Free Ski cert. courses in the world. Needless to say, for the participants taking this course, it was alot of fun and rather different from the traditional instructor courses offered by the CSIA. This new-school format is a welcome and refreshing addition to the existing programs, especially for our young clientele who are looking for something other than the usual.
The average age of the participants was around 20 years old and younger. The program and required skills proved to be appealing to this age group, and the course certainly helped improve their 'grabs' and 'japan air'.
Throughout the season, six pilot dates were set ahead of time and all courses took place as schedueled. Not only did all the courses take place, but many courses were also added across Canada. In total, almost 200 candidates participated in the program, including the popular Course Conductor Training at the beginning of the season.
With this season coming to a close, we hope that the newly-certified instructors can spread the word about the new course in town; how much fun it is and how much of a change of pace it has been for the CSIA. I hope that everyone had fun in the parks and i cant wait to see you all next year.'
ok...its good they want to get it out there and they're accepting it...but i think they should stay out of it. This whole idea of having a curriculum for jibbing makes me wana hurl all over their wrinkly old sterile faces. Yeah ok they're not dissing it but they're trying to control it and this really pisses me off. Theres some good but wayyyy more bad on its way with this kind of thing. what you ppl think?
Posts: 2761
Karma: 12
get your guns out fellow skiers, its time to kick some csia ass, they allready don't know how to ski or have any understanding in the newschool movment and now they want to teach it, wtf
Call me the bus driver cause im going to take you to school
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
i dont want newschool to have levels and technical shit. that breeds assholes who put people down for doing it. I dont want someone trying to teach kids newschool when all they have to do is grab a ski and get air in the pipe
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
ok....dont get me wrong here. i think its great that kids are learning newschool and i'd love to teach it and get paid and all that but lets face it. they're all of a sudden going to say you need your newschool level 1 to get into the park. so what now kids have to pay to get in and learn to jib? cuz thats where its going to go. its an easy way for the ski hill to get out of court cases and all that. and i dont want them being sued but i dont want to have to sign shit and pay a bunch of money to jib in a park.
Posts: 303
Karma: 45
hey. Listen up for a second. All that CSIA is doing with that course is allowing their instructors to learn and teach basic maneuvers. I.E. How to hit a jump or air out of a pipe. This is so they can be certified and allowed to take kids into the park safely and out of everyones way. They just want to be able to help young kids get started.
P.S I took the course in whistler and I agree that trying to structure freeskiing is ridiculous but we were dropping 35 footers it was sick. Just for instructors who want to take that path. Less boring lessons to teach.
Posts: 118
Karma: 10
I mean, it is a good idea to have professional instructors be able to rip in the park, but that is so wack to put certain rules and restrictions on freestyle. that is why it Is freestyle, bc it is creative. are rules and regulations put upon artists and their artwork? i think not. and you dont develop style from reading a manual. to have write ups on freeskiing and how to do certain tricks is ridiculous and is going to be the downfall into maistream society...
Posts: 6146
Karma: 73
hmm talk about old news.....
I took the course at blue mountain... it was really just an excuse for instructors to be able to take kids in the park.
A) It was actually designed by 'newschoolers' like mike crighton and doug bishop, well for the eastern course. Its basically spreading the word of newschool to the kids through instructors.
b) the curriculum that they set out isn't for anybody in the park... basically it is the way an instructor teaches a student in jibbing.
so say someone wants to learn to railslide this is how they set it out.
1) you should make sure that they're good enough
2) start them sliding in a straight line with skis on
3) slide the rail in their boots
4) then put on the skis and try the rail.
that's how someone TEACHES the lesson, this whole curriculum doesn't apply to the average skier unless they're taking a lesson.
c) you will never need your newschool level 1 to get into the park... that's ludicrus. kids will always be allowed to go into the park and learn to jib but if an instructor is gonna teach them to jib then they should be qualified. Sorry but if they're gonna make lessons then there needs to be some one to teach the freestyle and no insurance company will pay for damages if its an unqualified coach teaching a kid that gets paralyzed.
about the whole restrictions thing. it's not actually putting restrictions on the skier. it's putting them on the TEACHER... all this basically does is makes sure that I am not gonna send a kid off the 50ft table before I know they can even jump. and the tricks aren't 'strictly defined' they're just listed, and I'm sitting here with the manual beside me, they say things like tweaking it for more style so it's not like it says your hand has to be in a specific spot.
anything else?
MD... Dain bramaged.
Posts: 79
Karma: 11
You guys need to relax, CSIA != competition, CSIA != FIS therefore where the hell are you getting these 'restrictions' from. This initiative will only bring good things to the park.
Imagine how many kids that take this will learn how to drop in the pipe safer, not sit on table landings and even learn how to get into the air faster. This can only be a good thing for free skiing. This is ganna get kids more aware and doing big airs faster and safer, and its not holding anybody back. If it is give me a fucking example. Back up your damn opinions with facts.
The only weakness the whole thing has right now is the coaching, there were some dumb coaches running the sessions last season and it scared away a lot of people. These coaches didnt even know how to properly air out of the pipe or even slide rails. These things will hopefully be overcome and we'll get some proper talent teaching out there.
I really dont understand the hatred some of you have for the CSIA, im a level 3 right now, i spend 10x the time in the park as i do teaching and i def like jibbing more then instructing. I was never held back by the CSIA, god knows how they could even do that. My ski school director even bought a rail for us to learn for whomever wanted to shape up for the park.
I dunno if its this 'i wanna be a rebel' mentality thats popular these days thats making u guys hate this. Something to do with hating any organization and shit. 'I must be an individual!' pfft, ya just like goths claim to be rebels and individuals meanwhile you cant tell one apart from the other when u go to a goth party. Ok i think im a bit off base here, omit this last paragraph if u want :P Anyhow, what makes u an individual is whats in your head and whats in your heart, not how u look or the fact that you dont want to belong to any organization. Man this shit is wacked, wtf am i talking about. Oh well, I leave it just in case it makes sense to someone, if it doesnt I apolagize.
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
ok ok , i see what you're saying that its good if you want to be taught it or whatever, thats good. I'm cool with what they're doing right now, i'll probably take the course so i can teach my classes it, i started doing it last season and they loved it. What i'm saying is i think it's going to get carried away. Think about it. you say it's ludicrous. Yeah but the hills have control and if they can get out of paying for accidents they will. And also, being a member doesnt mean youve got a better idea of whats going on. I'm not saying youre siding with them because of it either, i have my level 2 race coaching and lvl 3 instructors. i'm just pissed because its going to be wayyyy too easy for them to manipulate it. i dont wana throw a trick and have people say 'you cant do that, its not in the book'. and yeah i probably already posted this so i'll shutup. I dont have a problem with the current thing but i know its going to go somewhere bad.
Posts: 2390
Karma: 13
You do know resorts and hills carry insurance don't you? There is even different levels of coverage for amount and sizes of jumps, at my local hill we're only covered for anything no larger than 60 feet.
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
yeah, i know. but like you said it doesnt completely void their liability
hey man, that dogs pissing on your 1080's!!!
Posts: 0
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Thankfully for us, all the resorts are not owned by intrawest and furthermore, as much as it seems sometimes, the customer dictates what happens, not the resort. So here is what im getting at, If they start teaching ppl park, and more and more people get into it, thier only choice will be to make the parks bigger, if they decide to limit jumps/air/tricks people will go ski at another resort. Simple as that. So in the end, we will always be winners (the skiers). ..and they lived happily ever after...
'what do you mean she's 15?'
Posts: 882
Karma: 17
they shouldnt be teaching newschool, cause that defeats the whole purpose of it, newschool is about going out, doing what you want, and learning at your own pace, the idea of newschool was to get away from mougles and racing.
Posts: 2390
Karma: 13
I don't think jats read anything on this post. It's just like skiing the hill w/ people who can't ski. Does it not piss you off when you're skiing and some beginners who don't belong on the same hill as you impede your path and mess up the hill by side slipping all the snow off. Wouldn't you rather have them taking a lesson or two, so they would somewhat know what they were doing. And they wouldn't be so much of a burden to you. The whole idea of the program is for people who want to get into newschool to just get their bearings, so then they can go out and progress as INDIVIDUALS(if you find that term necessary for our sport to be cool) and do what they want while doing as little harm to other people's skiing, jumping, and jibbing.
Posts: 43
Karma: 9
All posts mentioned are good arguements but many things have not been mentioned and need to be kept in mind about the future of the sport.
Firstly, we do not want skiing to turn into what snowboarding has: kids who have never even ridden a snowboard, can't turn and can't go on a chairlift ect. and all they want to learn is how to jump, grab, jib whatever. That is a large problem with snowboarding because we see a shitload of awful snowboarders in the park who fall before they get to the top of the jump. To stop this from happening to skiing, a certain CSIA S.T.E.P. number should be required (6-7 maybe). This would ensure that the kids who want to start to learn how to jump and shit know how to ski first.
Secondly, skiing is about progression. People are not just going to be able to strap on skis and be able to ride down the hill. They have to progress from snow plow, to parallel, to carving ect. and finally to trying tricks. This cannot be forgotten.
Lastly, the creation of this new qualification is really showing 'How far' (Skier magazine)the revolution of skiing has gone. We can tell that new school skiing is seen in by more and more people and this can only help it more. This will bring even more awareness of the sport to the eyes of older people.
This can only help the sport if the correct precautions and a look at what will happen in the future.
Posts: 9947
Karma: 1,886
dude!! i don't understand??i'm not reading all this...
p.a.t. productions.
Posts: 7411
Karma: 35
It's defintly an exuse so i can get paid to hang out with 5 kids in the park and teach them some stuff. There are no god damn restrictions....When is the last time any teenage instructor followed a CSIA program? Fuck i don't. Nobody cares. I think it's good. As long as some 45 old Level 4 Shit head tries to teach it that program. Then It's fucked. Hell it's a way to hang out in the park without getting your ass sued if some kid breaks his neck.
Sponsored By your Mom.
This is Rated M for Sex, Violence and Mayhem
Posts: 6897
Karma: 1,878
hey i think it is good becuase younger kids will have the chocie to say:
do i want to newschoolski or snowboard?
they will se they both do tricks and are cool and can learn, it sounds like it will get younger kids to it
This is fuck'n burgertime bitch and this is fuck'n omar, so sit back grab your dick with a motherfuckin Gangsta grip, cuz this shit is for rizzle my nizzle
Posts: 22714
Karma: 76,758
K so firstly, the snowboarders already have a certification just like this one. A whole bunch more of them in fact. Does it ruin their sport? Are they no longer hardcore? It's the natural progression of the sport. Everything we do is a few years behind them, so it was bound to happen.
Even so, the program is disigned to teach younger kids this stuff, get them into the sport and build a larger army of newschoolers to take over the industry. Those of you who think it's bunk are probably past the point that you want to take a course.
The manual is written from the wisdom of everything learned at high north ski camp. So if you have any problems with the techniques presented, then you wouldn't want to go there either.
And there's no dorky guys at the top. It's all core people who love the sport. There's a few bad ones that were involved this year, but don't worry. Things are changing. This isn't their baby, it's ours as a community. None of them have a clue about it, and all level 4's are required to take the course if they want to do park stuff. It makes it so that there is no attitude, and they will admit that they don't know the first thing about it. This lets the people who do take over.
Don't rebel against it instantly, think about it for a minute and imagine how much we could grow the sport if this was utilized. You'd be able to make all those kids out there quit racing or classic freestyle and come to the real world.
Our world.
Why can't we all just get along?
Posts: 342
Karma: 10
yeah ok....i give. im going to take the course just so i can take kids into the park instead of teaching them racing.
BUT. Don't you think that this course is an in for alot of oldschool people in control to warp it? Don't say it's under your control, because it won't be. now sure maybe it will go great and we'll all be happy but theres alot of chance that it won't.
and, just because the course is taught properly to the new instructors doesn't mean they won't have an effect on their classes. They might not like grabs so they'll downplay it, or anything like that. I'll be happy so long as the instructors say its totally up to you what you incorporate into your tricks b/c its all about personal style. but the traditional instructors don't understand that and never will(the majority of them anyways).
i don't want to see kids gettin busted up in the park either, don't get me wrong. Just because i'm good at it doesn't mean i haven't been there. and most of us on here that will be teaching the course will be good and know whats what but still some won't. im repeating myself. im repeating myself. repea-repea-repea my my my......gzzzzzzzzzzt *pop*
hey man, that dogs pissing on your 1080's!!!
Posts: 2959
Karma: 65
i was going to take that coarse because next next year id probably be able to coach in the park with my skiing club who really doesnt have much going for newschool skiing right now (they sorta did but it was more half freeride *vary gay at blue mountain* and half park). but i just realized how gay it was.
'Pro - peagna? What the fuck is that?' - my friend looking at my Propaganda DvD (he's not to bright)
skiers get head
snowboarders get ass
Posts: 6146
Karma: 73
nope the oldschool people can't control it because they really have no clue, so the people like doug (MDFresh) and others that work on it tell them what they want to put in the course. The only things that were not made mandatory were metal rails. that's because the level 4s that have to take the course don't ruin their expensive skis. but eventually they'll make a level 2 and the oldschool people will be completely weeded out because they won't be able to pass the course. It's really no different from the regular ski courses. level 1 is just to get you in and then level 2 is for the more accomplished skiers, or in this case newschoolers.
MD... Dain bramaged.
'I am now a moderator... and all I had to do was suck harveys cock! who would have guessed?' - Dave Pauls.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
is there any word of that program coming to the states. is the psia gonna start doing it.
Posts: 2665
Karma: 61
Posts: 422
Karma: 10
what the fuck is csia, what does that stand 4? i know that CFSA stands for Canadian Freestyle Skiing Association, but wtf is csia? or are u all idiots and dont know what the fuck ur talkin about? lol jk
'...::: s i x 1 t h r e e p r o d u c t i o n s :::...' site comming soon....
Posts: 6146
Karma: 73
Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance.
Alliance means special cult.
MD... Dain bramaged.
'I am now a moderator... and all I had to do was suck harveys cock! who would have guessed?' - Dave Pauls.
Posts: 1307
Karma: 30
i read almost all of that before i realized it has nothing to do with me
yeah What!
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