I'm looking to pay somebody to make mock ups of some leggings. We have around 10 designs that we need to have transposed onto leggings that will eventually be used for a Kickstarter page.
Because these mock ups are crucial to the success of the eventual Kickstarter, they have to be perfect. For this reason, I can negotiate some on the payment amount, but will need to see that you can deliver perfect mock ups before we have that conversation.
Before we send all of the artwork, We want to see what you guys can do. The test design original photo is here: http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzz9qzlGkh1qg2rd8o1_1280.jpg
The individual photos will be turned into full prints with vertical mirroring, I will attach an example print so you know what I mean. Ideally, we would like the mock ups done on either of these two photos (preferably the first) :
We would like each photo in the print to be about 6 inches in height, but dont worry about getting too exact for the first mock up, we can fix that later once we have seen the first one. Here is the example print so you can get an idea of what I mean by the vertical mirroring pattern.
If you guys have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. This is very important to us, and I am willing to do whatever you need to make your job easier, just let me know.
Thank you,