So basically there's this girl i've known since Kindergarden and she lives down the street. She enjoys goat semen, and endless pow runs. Well not really, tho she does like to ski. Otherwise she's Hardworking, VERY smart, attractive, and very level headed. A girl I could really see myself with down the road. The road block is the thick headed dbag she's dating now. They've been dating for like two years, and she's told me before that she really doesn't seem them together past highschool. We've been pretty close for awhile, hungout at parties, work together etc. I guess I'm asking how to win her over. It seems like things could line up down the road with similar interests in colleges and even careers. My parents think she's a great girl and have always pushed me to ask her out lolz. Anyway, any tips out there for taking it to the next level or showing her how I feel.
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