homestarIt would have helped a lot to get some more audio in there too. If you can time the thump of someone landing a jump with a drop in the song, it sounds prime. You did this well at a couple points but the skiing audio seemed a little too quite to me but that's probably more my opinion than an actual issue.
It's a pretty minor aspect of the edit but I always appreciate it when there aren't any clips with the audio completely cut. I know this can be hard because of background noise but it's something I've been trying to work on.
On that last urban drop, it would have been nice to have a shot from the first angle that showed the landing. I always like to see how big the drop is.
Anyway, I liked the edit. Skiing, filming, and editing were all dope and the song was good too.
Thanks! For the audio a good mic is next on my buying list, most of these shots were filmed with only the T3I's mic so the quality was horrible on every shots I was moving. For the urban drop I'll probably show more of the other angle too, thanks for the feedback!