Dear, Cameo Wilson
You're my new favorite skater.
Love, Me
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smootergr8 sk8ing m8 i can appreci8
acualywasdolanso few white people have style as good as black people
.BlinkyThat's racist. People have style depending on their skin color? Ignorant. And I'm gunna fuck your mom.
acualywasdolanits not racist, you fucking retard. If you look at good black skaters- terry kennedy, antwaun dixon, derrel stanton, shiloh greathouse, all of them have style matched by only the best white skaters. There are many physiological reasons why black skaters might feel tricks differently - more fast twitch muscle, longer limbs, narrower hips. If you are a typical politically correct fuckboi and you want more i will gladly send you crying to your two fathers. stupid fuck
.BlinkyMy dad died when I was 15 from a heart attack. Make fun of my mom all you want but I'd appreciate it if you didn't drop that other crap. Also going back to the racist thing there's no distinguishing factors proven blacks are any better at skating than any Asian or white people. Its all about how much time one person puts into a sport. For rollerblading some of the top skaters are white while some of the tightest are also black; ie Chris haffey, Franky morales, Brian shima etc. PS go fuck yourself you douche.
.BlinkyMy dad died when I was 15 from a heart attack. Make fun of my mom all you want but I'd appreciate it if you didn't drop that other crap. Also going back to the racist thing there's no distinguishing factors proven blacks are any better at skating than any Asian or white people. Its all about how much time one person puts into a sport. For rollerblading some of the top skaters are white while some of the tightest are also black; ie Chris haffey, Franky morales, Brian shima etc. PS go fuck yourself you douche.
acualywasdolanDude, you a fucking political correctness whore, and you dont have a fucking clue about reality. There are numerous physiological differences between whites and blacks which account for things like the nfl and nba b/w ratios. Go fuck your father butthurt much?
acualywasdolanLol 100 iq much? more like 180 much?
acualywasdolan^Sorry i didnt read what you said about your father. i take back my last comment
RockNRollNghtClbyou are a worthless member that should be banned
that close out he tried to feeble was fucked
avocado.the glass fence bs boardslide... wow