theabortionatorFound a clinic down the road from me that will see me for 25, but they don't do walk ins and the next appointment is in more than a week. Like if I'm not better by then I'll have gone somewhere else or jumped off a bridge by that time.
Another place will see me, if I fill out some papaerwork I could get in for 25. But in a week or so I'll find out if they accept me or not. If they don't, it's 200-400 $. Dollars, like USD, like real money. 200 to 400 fucking dollars
200-400 dollars
Who in the fuck that doesn't have health insurance has that. Nobody fucking does unless you're slingin rocks. This is retarded. I guess I'l just pray my eye magically heals itself and if it doesn't I'll jump in front of a fucking buss.
I work full time, but there's no way i fucking hell i can afford to pay 200-400 just for walking in the fucking door. That's literally insane. I'm actually shocked this is a thing.
I guess I might just be hoping I can work for the next week with one functioning eye and not crash into anything while operating machinery and then pay $25 to get it checked out in a fucking week. Jesus christ,
I guess I'm gonna make an appt and hope to fucking god it heals before then. If not I'll probably jump in front of a fucking bus before next wed so whatever.
BTW I work in the ski industry so I make the same as taco bell is starting people at for grooming terrain parks. Don't get me wrong, I'm obsessed with the ski industry and parks in general, but jesus christ this shit get's old sometimes. Had another friend move back east last month for a welding job and leave parks forever. I can't blame him. I've actually been chatting to friend the last year looking into options.
I love building parks, it's my jam, but this shit isn't sustainable. Fuck, it's not survivable. You can't live in the most expensive places in the country and make these wages and survive.
"Why don't we have long term employees" Well yeah, there's your problem. If you want green as fuck people from random parts of the states or J1's good, but if you want people that know a job and hve worked a few years you have to do something to keep them. I've been in parks for 15 years now, but jesus I'm getting close to dipping. Sucks because I actually really like where I'm working at the moment. We do decent work, snow sucks but parks are still good. But if that means going literally negative working fulltime without a gambling or drug addiction, fuck this. It's just not doable.