DaphWhere to start...
Mainly their vain attempts at being relevant on social media and using the hip lingo that comes across as really unprofessional. Using shots from years ago and masking them as this year to make it seem like it's deep as hell out there right now when its really just windfucked and firm. Hyping up storms that are barely on the radar. And I'm pretty sure they paid off unofficial networks cause they won't shut the fuck up about big sky this year. There's more but I'm kind of drunk and don't feel like typing it all out ha
Marketing departments are egotistic shit shows especially at resorts in fact almost Only at resorts.
if you’re new to the company they will make You feel like shit for bringing New ideas and proposals to the table. Old cats who have nothing else to fall back on use their job as leverage against smaller yet more innovative people.
This territorial culture runs rampant at my resort we have one half that wants to cater to the families and tourist and the other that is getting more Lit action in with more fun bar scenes and a generally better vibe to our platforms.
On both ends its everyone trying to one up the other there is NO TEAM within the So called Marketing Team. Bunch of upper middle class white folk telling eachother and everyone else to back off “This is MY JOB”.
Hint Thats Not a Healthy Structure For a Marketing TEAM.