Profahoben_212my room mate does this literally every day. Fucking aweeesssoooomeee. nobody cares about your shitty story about bumfuck nevada
That sucks. At least if you're going to tell a shitty story when nobody cares. Stick to the main points and don't repeat everything. Also pick up on social cues. I got them autistic traits and was basically socially retarded. But I worked on it and tried to give a fuck and even I can figure out when I suck at telling a story, the person doesn't give a fuck, or any other reason to sparknotes or abort.
Some people don't have that.
On the plus, one of my roommates friends is legit. Got along pretty well. Have some similar interests and he's not a bullshitter either. People always talk when they're drunk but it's all bullshit. You can tell when somebodies being straight. So that's cool. I'll probably do some skiing or see some music with him and maybe meet some other cool people as well.
I haven't been going out at all really cause I've been busy but it's nice to meet some new people. I'm a big fan of meeting strange people that are cool and becoming good friend with them.