Titus69I'm not even sure why a business would be upset for something like their employees relating with customers, how are you suppose to act then? All I can imagine is being super scripted and dull to the point where customers are almost offended by your dullness.
I'm sure you said this before but where you work?
My parents said I should find myself work out west cause my mom works with a kid who's working at Alta this winter.
im trying to get some of my coworkers to file grievances with HR, enough of those from employees regarding management will make them take some notice. If just one employee files a grievance, i just know for a fucking fact they'll do some passive aggressive bullshit and just let you go or something lame.
Other fucked up part is that she also reports you to HR if you try to stand up for yourself, challenge what she says, dispute things, etc. So basically you stand up for yourself, get fired/transferred departments, or file a grievance against her and still lose your job one way or another. I dont really give a shit though, like hell am i going to lose my fucking job over a god damned $5 bill. no fucking way, man.
its incredible the amount of authority people take so seriously. She must have had a real tough time growing up getting the shit kicked out of her, now its her turn to return the favor. my mom said it best when i talked to her about it. People like this always get whats coming to them, and will always have their downfalls.
its just a shame, everyones jumping ship and applying to other positions like myself and its fucked up awful people like this ruin experiences for people. Shouldnt have to be looking over your shoulder in fear every time you clock in.