I'm so over it. I only get to ski a few weeks a year and of course I get hurt halfway through my trip. Fuck you slushy jump line for being too damn slow to clear, and fuck you shoulder for coming out of place so damn easily. My life for the next 6 weeks is going to be such a fucking pain in the ass not being able to use my dominant arm for anything. Getting to class, taking notes, doing any schoolwork, I have to quit my job, I can't even cut up a fucking steak if I wanted to.
I always see people fall so much harder than me and get right back up but it seems like whenever I crash even somewhat hard I fucking injure myself badly. I also feel terrible for my parents who have to deal with my crippled ass for the rest of this ski trip.
Oh and right now I'm up at 5am because I can't sleep because I can't find a position to sleep in that doesn't fucking hurt.
Skiing will always be my favorite thing in the world but it's really unforgiving sometimes.
Dayum that blows man, but shoulder keeps popping out? Maybe Im a little too late or you already know this etc but you should really get that checked out, some soft tissue surgery might be what you need. My stepbro's blew his shoulder out on a gnarly scorpion, then it just kept getting worse and worse until he couldn't shoot fucking pool without his gnarly ass shoulder brace. But he went to a doctor then a specialist, and they told him if he keeps popping it out before the recommended soft tissue surgery its gonna get sooooo much worse eventually, to where its gonna require a lot more work done on it and with way worse results. So yeah now hes just taking it easy waiting to be first in line for surgery, might be awhile but itll be worth it. Sorry if this doesn't help or youve heard it before, or youre at the much worse stage already, hope it gets better.