Bodhisattva_Oh get off of your high fucking horse. You always act like you are somehow the authority on all things drugs because you go to music festivals lol. I understand the solution and have discussed is in depth with a lot of people and would rather not get into it here. Saying kill your local heroin dealer is a sentiment well received by a lot of people who have had serious negative impact in a community and is obviously not meant to be taken literally. And in some cases, someone wouldn't pop up right away necessarily. But anyways you don't need to preach to me about that shit.
I'm not on a high horse. I'm just tired of hearing the same bullshit regarding drugs. This has nothing to do with music festivals, and honestly if it matters that much to you, I felt this way long before I ever even went to one.
People are going to do drugs, deal with that, fucking move on, and lets make some positive changes as a society.
Or just stay butthurt that people you know are dying, all well keeping the same bullshit alive that's helping to kill them. That sounds pretty proactive.
It would be cool if we could get rid of certain drugs or at least curb their usage. Unfortunately that's easier said than done if not impossible. "Kill your local heroin dealer" is something I hear all the time, a lot of times by ignorant fucks, and then other times by those grieving.
People are going to do drugs, fucking deal with it everyone.