DaphThe heroin epidemic in big sky is pretty real right now, has been for a few years. A couple days ago two people were arrested with a bunch of the shit in their car with intent to distribute. Naturally most of the town is stoked that at least a few of the sorry mother fuckers bringing this garbage into our town have been taken care of, but there are quite a few people actually sympathizing with these scumbags and it makes my blood boil. Two fatal overdoses in two years (which in a town this small is pretty bad) and people still think its ok to say that heroin dealers aren't bad people? fuck off.
I dealt with it enough living back in WA, disgusting fucking culture.
.lenconThanks fam, hopefully we will get our needed votes!
U finna get washed by my Bois the Bozeman Sewer Mutants!
Nah good luck though, lots of good edits this season.