Swaggy_PYou know what really sucks. Growing up.
I am sitting here at 2 am trying to fall asleep and all I can think about is how busy I will be this winter and spring. This really sucks and I am sure you all know why. A lot less skiing. Maybe none. That's why. If I was still a young 16 year old kid who didn't have responsibilities or work or school then this would not be an issue but now that I am older and have all of these. It really sucks. All I wanted to be was older and have a job but now that I am.
It Sucks.
Not even sure if I can afford a season pass or even get my moneys worth this season it sucks so bad.
Man what I would do to be a kid again.
One thing to thing about. You will always look back on your times past as "look how young I was then" or "if only things were like they were then".
That keeps moving along. Every spot you're at feels like "I got this, I feel somewhat old, I know everything". Then you look back it's it's like woah.
Basically in 5 years you will look back on this time as being young and able to do anything.
I'm not wording this very well but I'm just saying don't stress too much about it and try and enjoy yourself as much as possible. Also don't forget that there are always good times ahead and you will always be younger than the future.
I totally feel you though. I remember all the time I had. Maybe it was the energy as well as the lack of responsibilities. Could keep up with all these different sports, play all these different video games, ride my bike places, there was so much time. Even the summer was like "Wow look at all this time!"
The clock starts to speed up every year. I'm only 27 now but things that feel like they were last year were 5 years ago now etc. It's fucking crazy.
I'm just hoping my health holds up and I can make as much sense of this crazy world before I'm old as shit.
Good luck and hopefully you get some windows of time even in school where it isn't total madness and you can enjoy yourself a bit.