basedjasei have so much love to give but no one really seems to want it so that sucks. i thrive off of good relationships and giving to people so when no one wants what i have to give i get left with the thought that mayvbe i am not all that great to be around. i get told all the time that i am hard to approach and i honestly have no idea why. fucking hell haha.
I feel you on this! Helping people out and being good to other people is awesome. Having really good friends is awesome and though being independent is great, it's always nice to like have that kind of bond with someone else!
I'm kind of the opposite though, everyone takes advantage of that part of me and I'm left with people around me who "like" me but only when they need something from me. So right now I don't really have a lot of friends cause I got tired of that hahaha.
I hope you meet some people who can see all the good qualities in you though! You seem like really genuine and rad person. I've found the more you try to force something, the less it works out. Just keep doing you and the people who appreciate what you do will come! (: