HoneyBadgerFor one, even though it was non related, I'd love to see that statistic. Regardless, this isn't even what I posted about.
I will find the statistic. It is what you posted about. You said
HoneyBadgerblack people always searching for racism /rant
Meaning you think they are always claiming racism. When maybe it really is socially acceptable to be racist. Not always, but sometimes they are victims of racism.
About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.
African Americans serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as whites do for a violent offense (61.7 months). (Sentencing Project)
In 2002, blacks constituted more than 80% of the people sentenced under the federal crack cocaine laws and served substantially more time in prison for drug offenses than did whites, despite that fact that more than 2/3 of crack cocaine users in the U.S. are white or Hispanic