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So some jerry ski racer almost hit me while raking a takeoff and smoked my new board. 2 of the best parts, the mtn doesn't give a fuck, or pretend to give a fuck, if I went through the race course and even bumped somebody's race ski it would be a shit storm, if a racer comes though the park and ignores any kind of etiquette, NBD.
I'm stoked.
Wasn't even riding the board. it was blocking off the takeoff, upside down with the highly visible graphic facing up hill. You could see it from the top of the park, a thousand feet or so above.
Anyway, I was out raking trying to keep the park nice, because I like things to be nice, and racer comes ignores me raking, ignores the board, I jump out of the way. She sends it right through my board. Loses a ski, flies, almost bellyflops the rail, and goes face first into the snow. I thought she might be seriously hurt so I run over and make sure she's okay. She wasn't dead, I told her to pretty much get the fuck out of the park in nicer words, helped her get her ski on and that was that. Then I noticed my board was fucked. She smashed the side in. It isn't horrible, it's fixable, but I'm stoked that my board got broken doing my job, not riding it.
I'm already several hundred into the place in materials. (I don't really care, I want the park to be nice and if I'm not going to be able to get things like paint, welding wire, flap discs, grind wheels etc, I just buy it) Sure that's dumb, but I just want a good park for the kids.
Anyway, the mtn pretty much gave zero fucks about it. Probably in the negatives honestly. I can't imagine how fucked it would have been if it was an incident with me in the race course. I don't hate racers in the park, some of the best park skiers are former or current racers, it's just bullshit like this.
So I also have over 1k in tools over at the mtn to do my job. Again, though I'd rather not, if it's the difference between me getting things done or not, I'll do it. But after today idk. What if somebody trashes my welder when I'm not there? Things like that. Idk. I kind of feel like pulling all my stuff out, but if I did that I honestly wouldn't be able to get anything done.
Idk, it just sucks. I wish people would at least pretend to care when shit goes down. Just scribble on a paper and pretend you're going to hand something to somebody.
Instead it was kind of like "Lol you're fucked. Good luck with that".
So now my snowboard is fucked, and it's not like I need it to get around the mountain for work or anything. Just rode the lift up and walked down at the end of the day.
That was a blast.