GayWolf420Just want to blow off some steam. My Girlfriend likes me still and we had a chat about getting more serious, life plans, if getting married/starting a family is something that's on my radar and it absolutely is. Long distance really sucks not being close to each other and being able to see eachother regularly though I'd be willing to make that move myself. It's just my issue is I'm stuck with no college degree, no actual "big kid" job, and that her goals are stability, marriage, and kids eventually for herself and isnt dating to date which I am too.
Realistically I'm a broke ass ski bum who works seasonally and jumps from job to job and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to provide that if I keep it up and shit is pretty bleak around here in terms of good paying jobs/schooling/etc. And thats been fucking with my head for a while and makes me kinda sad. Im starting to be less of a "Fuck it, let's go skiing" type of person because when you get home, life and reality is still there.
But I do need to get my shit together at some point and I don't know what the right way is.
**This post was edited on Mar 10th 2025 at 9:06:45pm
I feel this. Talk to her. I said to my girlfriend who I want to marry, hey, I was homeschooled, have no degree, got my diploma when I was 21 because I worked full time, and I am not that interested in a "big boy job." I want to work doing stuff I like. I took a manager role the last 2 years and hate it, I will be stepping down because enjoying my life is #1 for me. I am doing ok financially, but I love my winter job, and adore my summer job. That is my priority.