BallClapperGood man. 🙏🙏🙏
Appreciate the good looks btw. Just wanted to say I wasn't doing anything wild. Hard to tell from internet forums sometimes.
I even keep xannax around as a break glass in case of emergencies but also do not take i casually or take it with alcohol.
This is actually the most stoked ive been taking opiates in years and it's legit only for the pain relief and none of the feelings it brings some people. I'm actually super happy they gave me some because it's made my recovery go way better. Last collar bone they were super weird. Also i have a high psin tolerance and don't complain. Squeeky wheel gets the grease and im not a bitch. Buteith my broken ass shoulder and tooth it's def been helpful to have the option.
As someone who lost many good friends i get why they are so restricted. I still feel like they were wayyyy too fucking liberal with them and now bounced the other way. So getting small amounts of them for a real injury seamed pretty fine this round. Not many but enough to get through the shit.
Like i said went righr back to work cause i can't afford not to.
But yeah, fuck stigmas and rip to the people who didn't make it through the opiate epidemic. Just lost another good friend, friends with bennefits last spring. Miss that girl.
Sorrythat was more for me and less for thread. Just brought up memories. Especially coming uo through the heart of it and being in probably the most at risk age group. So many messages and phone calls of friends passing away. It's actually wild as somebody who wasn't really a part of that seeing so many friends die. I hope they found peace