Non_State_ActorI fail to see what's wrong with any of those demands. They want to ensure jobs going forward and get a decent pay package with locked in increases over a medium term. Corporate profits continue to reach record highs, C suite executives continue to have record breaking compensation packages as measured by multiple of average worker pay throughout a given organization.
Also that's their starting position in the negotiation. I'm not sure if you understand how this works but usually the parties will go back and forth a few times, Union demands will be whittled down and corporate overlords will come up with a few more dollars, benefits, incentives, and the settle somewhere in the middle.
Did you miss the part where i said they've been offered a 50% raise? That was after several other offers to them. The ports have made many concessions and the union has refused to budge on their absurd maximalist demands. "Negotiations" have been ongoing for months and they're intentionally avoiding any progress.
Do you think 77% (total payscale!) raise is reasonable? How much has your salary increased in the past 6 years?
Normal jobs give a couple percent for inflation and a couple percent for performance/promotion each year. Now consider that they're demanding 10% per year
just for inflation!
Do you think it's reasonable to cease all technological development at our ports? Are garage door clickers too high tech to be used there?
This union is not in the interest of normal people. They have a near monopoly on exports from our country (yes most of our valuable exports leave from the east coast). They should be treated like any business that holds a monopoly and price gouges the country, forced to break apart under the Sherman antitrust act.