Chewy.We used to have this same issue with our roommate's girlfriend. I didn't really mind her not paying rent, but I did get upset she didn't pay a share of the utilities. In a house with 5 roommates, not counting her, utilities got expensive. So when she would leave lights on, shower for ages, ect, we'd get pissed. The other thing I couldn't stand is when she'd get mad because we were too loud when she wanted to sleep, or she'd get on us for leaving something in the living room. I do badly wanted to tell her that if she had a problem she could go to her own house.
Sorry. I was starting to write that to be like been there, it's shitty, but it just turned into my own rant. Clearly, I'm still a little bitter.
I LOVE a situation when somebody leaves themselves so open to a blast of reality. I sometimes feel guilty about making people cry, but if you're going to be that much a dick, and then bitch at the people who own the place as if it's your house, when you don't pay rent?
Bitch please, you should have served her good.
I like to think that I'm a nice guy but that's one of those spots that's too good for this guy to pass up. I'm pretty easy going and don't like to make a big deal out of little things, so I let them slide, but if somebody comes back at me, bitching about small stuff, in a spot where they have no room to talk, after I've let their shit slide(And also if this all takes place in my house which they aren't paying anything for?) It's on.
If this was recent let me know. I can sub in for you and throw down some words. If you want I'll set up some go pros so you can sip a beer and enjoy her sobs and tears as she runs out the door in a frenzy never to return.