JalmarKalmarHow about just making a mental health month for every gender, shape and size that is not the same month as rainbow people month.
i’d guess that gay men commit suicide at a higher rate than most other demographs so i imagine that its no coincidence with the timing. women threaten to kill themselves at a higher rate than men but men attempt and complete suicide at a much higher rate.
awareness months are cool i guess but really not too effective. the events can bring a sense of community but can often feel disingenuous and lack long term vision and follow through. with suicide and mental health in general, change is going to have to come from a paradigm shift in our media, among other things. currently, fear mongering and blaming others controls a lot of mainstream rhetoric. there is absolutely zero healthy debate, no reconciliation and just a total division of people. (but god damn are the views and money up 🤑) likewise, when someone feels like shit, they are t going to reach out if they feel they aren’t heard and they will receive combativeness if their views arent shared.
we need to foster a culture of togetherness so we can uplift each other but we are so fuckin far from that. at least on this side of the pond.