This is a fallacy and, quite frankly, I’m surprised someone of your age falls for it.
To think that this generation is inherently different from others is unsound. People have always been people and people are, well, people. There have always been lazy people and there have always been hard workers. Gen Z vs boomers have a different definition of hard work. Do you really think boomers or the greatest generation or silent generation would want kids working in mines?
Honestly, I suggest you read up on history. It’s very illuminating. You will see that, traditionally, society goes one of two ways: increasing worker rights or decreasing them. We’ve been on a decreasing cycle for about 3 decades with periods of increases here and there. Now we are entering a cycle where people are demanding their rights. Traditionally, this comes after an epidemic (the plague, COVID, etc.) when workers are in a position to demand more rights.
In sum: people are people and will always be people. It’s unfair to apply a broad paint brush and say an entire generation is lazier. That’s just lazy, in itself, to say.
PartyBullshiitGet this dumb ass one or the other mentality out of your head.
There can be plenty of people who have worked hard and may not be where they want as well as a bunch of lazy fucks who just don’t want to work and want everything handed to them. It’s not black or white.
the reality is as generations have moved on they become as a whole lazier and more entitled. That’s just a fact. I’m not sitting here saying my generation was the hardest working yada yada. Of course not. My grandfather and dad worked harder than I did. And I wanted life to be easier for me. Just as the generations behind me where less motivated to work and wanted things easier for them.
as an entire society we have become lazier and less motivated to work for things. That’s just a fact. There will always be outliers who break the mold but in no world can you legitimately argue that the current generations are harder working individuals as a whole compared to those that came before them.
You and your wife can be super hard workers. And your neighbors can be lazy fucks. Both can apply at the same time.
You keep going from one extreme to the next. No one including me was glorifying the old and saying fuck them kids for existing. I will say fuck them kids for being lazy and complaining first rather than doing something about their issues if it’s within their control. Which most times it very well is.