GayWolf420Ahh the ol "I should've stuck college out, I would have a stable career by now at 28" blues are rolling back in. Ive spent so much of my own money to able to stay above the water in my field whether its gear, continuing education, certifications, etc., in the last two years that its disheartening and depressing when you get your paycheck. Its like you almost work for free somedays despite clocking in and out. I did my taxes last night and worked three jobs and still somehow made even less money than the year before. Its insanity. Im about ready to walk and let rich kids and J1's take all these fucking dogshit ski industry jobs.
Fuck this. All because some retards with finance degrees couldn't even budget correctly.
**This post was edited on Mar 24th 2024 at 7:39:52pm
Depending how it goes, your life is 1/3-1/2 over. You got a shit ton of time to do whatever. Think of it as a glass half full where you got a ton of experience in that sector. Now leverage that ski experience into something lucrative. Alternatively, could you not move into operations? Supervisor>manager>etc... Once you hit a certain point, many companies will pay for additional education too. If you read the bios of many successful people, they don't all grow up trust fund kids. It's a grind. It's also never too late to get into something new.
Fwiw, stable careers are boring and still can leave you wanting more. You gotta find happiness in what you do wherever that is on the income ladder.