JacobthesadskierI can't fucking take this anxiety any more, this is my 3rd season of trying to ski park and my 3rd of not getting past a 360 and a fucking box slide, I had an actual panic this morning thinking about doing a 360 off a small jump, its just getting worse each year and it's starting to get into my day to day life now. I want to quit so much, you can only try something so many times before something gives. When I get back home I'm going to the doctors to see what they say cause I can't fucking take this shit any more.
they will undoubtedly prescribe you something. i think you could stand to gain from therapy. i got an exercise for you that will help you conquer any situation. take it or leave it. ill describe it below so if your not interested you can just stop reading here lmao. i think its called a cbt triangle.
so first you wanna identify what happened in a situation that you didnt like. then you can write out what you need to do to break that cycle.
1. thoughts - when you in that panic what are your actual thoughts. whats the self narrative do you have going?
2 feelings/emotions - how do those thoughts impact what you’re physically feeling. (is your vision narrower, do you feel tense, etc) and then what emotions are you having then? (I suck at identifying emotions so i google a feelings wheel lmao)
3. Reaction/behavior - what do those things make you do??
after making that for the shit situation, you can either add interrupters to each on how you would get out of that headspace if it were to start. or, and this is what i think is the most powerful tool for any known tough situation, you write one up for how that situation goes for your ideal self. so do all 3 categories and write it out how you would imagine the perfect version of you would think, feel, and act in that situation. then just really envision yourself over and over thinking those thoughts, feeling the emotions, and acting or doing what you want. this is called making a future memory and its powerful because your mind will have this preset nuero pathway to tap into when you get to that situation. you gotta force it into the ideal state version rather than the shit one. this has helped me in difficult conversations, learning new tricks, going to uncomfortable places/events, etc.
i even go as far as creating a separate persona for my ideal self call Ibby and i will ask myself what would Ibby do, tap into that train of thought and try to act as if i am my ideal self.
i’m very into this concept and even created my own worksheet for it lol. pm me if interested lmao.