ASSholebomber22The more the trans stuff gets pushed, the more it will radicalize people to be more conservative. The pendulum will always swing back and forth. If you argue there's not an agenda being pushed I'd argue your heads in the sand. But yeah I generally agree the hardo boomers are the first to cry when their widdle feefees get challenged
The thing is that nobody is pushing some agenda... it's just generally just 'hey lets not be jerks to people'
Unfortunately, the media has jumped on this shit, because they know it terrifies the fuck out of toxic men who are secretly scared of finding out theyll find out that theyre accidentally attracted to someone in drag and feel totally emasculated.
They know that if they push this idea that "drag queens are going to groom your children into becoming gay" that a lot of the breeder Karens out there will freak the fuck out very loudly...
They have also jumped on this whole womens sports thing because they know that a lot of toxic dudes out there find sports to be traditional and sacred as anything else, and any changes are always super controversial.
This is not some full blown agenda for as it is the same deceptive bullshit that conservative media spins into their narrative.