JemsI mean show me proof that there’s REQUIRED lgbt related classes that students take. In high school we were simply taught not to bully gay kids. If that’s what “mandatory lqbt classes” are then so be it.
From my brief and very much not thorough google search it would appear states are requiring school district to offer a sex ed class for student that identify as lgbtq. This doesn’t mean its required for all students to attend at all. Specific education provided for specific scenarios. This is for only 11 states.
Also looks like some states are requiring inclusion of lgbtq people in their curriculum. Similarly to how back in the day when black and people of color accomplishments were excluded from text books etc. these new laws are to ensure that people who have contributed to society to the point they need to be in a text book are not excluded due to their sexual orientation.
Those both seem pretty reasonable and not outlandish but that’s not how fox or cnn will sell it because viewership and control are much better when we’re divided in unison on every single issue