CoolChillGuy420This house I'm renting through a Property Management company thats big in Salt lake is really starting to cost me my own free time and my own money, and I wish I had enough money to buy-out my lease and move elsewhere. I have a maintenance guy here today doing an inspection and fixing some things for us and he's cool but he pointed out some major flaws:
- Huge cracks in the ceiling in our kitchen and living room due to the dry wall installation being improperly done, they didn't like stagger or re-enforce it with anything so its splitting right down the middle dead-center in the ceiling due to moisture (Not up to code.)
- Possible structural damage within our interior walls and windows in our bathroom, also due to the same reason (Also not code.)
- No smoke detectors and/or pre-move in inspection conducted by our property managers with an home inspector which is also against code.
- And our downstairs plumbing might need to be replaced with heavy equipment and manpower where our neighbors live due to pressure issues.
They required the tenants to do their own inspection and notify the property managers which I get, but still, not even having a home inspector come through regardless is just blatantly wrong. $1,100/month mind you.
Salt Lakers and anyone looking to rent in SLC should beware of Acadia Property Management. God knows how many other improperly-maintained properties they have around the valley and other tenants experiencing similar issues. They also require "approval" to store E-Bikes and Mountain Bikes on your property which is just strange and/or probably another fee they're looking to tact onto your bill every month. They also try to charge you for simple maintenance requests and get you to pay out of pocket for upkeep like you're the homeowner yourself.
**This post was edited on Mar 15th 2023 at 2:55:45pm
Google-searched reviews from other tenants from this company or companies, they're owned by a single other company called Capital Advisors Management or something, another real estate company in the valley that bleeds people dry.
Granted this isn't a "low-income" area but it's not like its a gated community either, great access to schools and businesses/bus stops, etc. It seems to me they give preference to their less diverse, more "higher income" properties like your newly built skyrise condos and single family units vs. these dogshit mid-60s built shit shacks. Tons of complaints of lack of maintenance, delayed appointments and poor scheduling, and jacking-up rent at the end of lease terms on top of errenous fees. We already had to get a mediator involved to pay for a faulty irrigation system which still is forcing us to pay $2,200 between me and my roomate to repair it. It's not that adulting sucks, it's just that this valley is filled with so many scummy, greedy companies and individuals that it does make me wonder why people flock in droves to Utah.
And it's no surprise they're based in Provo. Mormons = greedy fucks.