dognuts“wEre nOt iN thiS inDusTrY bEcAuse thEre is a fOrtuNe wEre heRe beCause we LoVe iT”
no sir that is just your and the rest of the ski/bike industries shitty excuse to pay employees like shit
We have a bunch of j1'a here. Obviously common in the ski industry. But They're living a half mile down a dirt road 20 min from the mtn by shuttle, have no car, town is 30 min away, the small town is 12 min away that has a tiny bar and gas station. What kind of cultural experience are they getting?
I mean the mtn is sweet. But it's just exploiting cheap labor same as it ever was'd. You could get it a bit if places weren't charging 190 for a lift ticket. We might be more than that now idk. But it's a shame. Don't pay enough to get locals, doze employee housing to make it even harder, put 4 j1s in a room at some old christian summer camp and call it a solution. These ski areas need to get burned hard. I don't think anything will ever happen. Complain that locals don't want to work and are lazy, bring in j1s.
The ski industry is starting to pay up because they have to. Vail went to 20 because they were tired of paying managers to work OT to run a crucial lift because they wouldn't pay someone else 1 or 2 bucks more(like 14) to run it. When Fast food, gas stations, everything is a pay raise, the wage is clearly bullshit.
The mega corp game is whack. And they're pretty much running a labor exploitation scam at a bunch of them.
Go to another country you want to see. See nothing, get nothing that was promised, be stuck in some bunk ass over crowded dumpster fire living conditions, be happy because skiing is fun!