Kooky_LukeyThis is a little bit of an unpopular opinion, but I am so sick of hearing about gay people and gay pride on both sides. Honestly I couldn't give two shits if Johnny and Timmy decide they like to play with each other. Both sides have done good things and both sides have done bad things. I don't care who is right or who is wrong. 2% of the whole population is gay. We should not be making this big of a deal about 2% of the whole damn country. There are more important things going on in this country and the world than fucking gay marriage.
But I guess I'm stooping to their level and talking about it here. Whatever.
I agree and disagree. I don't think we should be making a big deal about it, I don't think it should be news, but IMO it is a big deal at the moment. The only reason it's newsworthy is that we're finally moving past all this irrational hate. In baby steps, but we're going somewhere.
I mean you have people(my parents included) sending all kinds of money to campaigns to stop anything that could help/protect gay people. It shouldn't be a big deal, but we've made it a big deal.
Also if it wasn't so frowned upon there would probably be more. I mean hell, several of the biggest advocates for traditional marriage, gay people will burn in hell forever, and whatever else have been caught having homosexual relations in secret.
As far as there being more important things maybe. Civil rights and general progression/moving away from outdated beliefs is fairly important imo.
But I agree. There are a lot of huge issues out there. The thing is we aren't, and we weren't really tackling them anyway. I don't get why people act like we were in the middle of solving all of the worlds problems, getting to complete world peace, and then gay marriage came along, took everyones attention away, and the world went to hell.
Allegedly, the economy has been one of the, if not the most important issue in every presidential campaign for years. Yet everyone still votes for giant douches that do nothing to fix the problems, and help us move forward.
We have lost all kinds of freedoms, but again, we vote for these people, reelect these people and it's all good.
So well I agree that there are more important issues out there, I don't get this sentiment that gay rights have somehow taken everyone away from solving the worlds problems, because in all honesty they weren't. And if we get a little bit of progress in civil rights, and move a little bit further away from an antiquated religion in our government, I don't think that's a bad thing.
So maybe gay people only make up 2% of the population. But that said, that's still a ton of people living here, and people are people/deserve equal right and protection under the law.
Don't worry though. This whole wave of gay in the media will soon blow over and then everyone can go back to not fixing the economy, and voting for douches once again.