r00kieThe hard skills positions are the hardest to make it in to boot. Ski patrol arguably deals with the most risk but the only people working year round and making a real living are the administrative people.
Its just depressing honestly. And I like my co-workers, and I'm not trying to be classist or whatever, but they just have lived a different reality than some of us have and thats okay because life is different for everyone. But honestly they do come from wealthy families back east and have a safety net and a different experience growing up whereas some of us have to decide between gas, groceries, our bills, or paying rent and only one or two can be achieved each pay-period. It just sucks, and it's soo hard to focus some days, but the patients come first and always. I've been in/around ski towns and working in them since I was 15 and I just can't fucking take it anymore, man. I might move back home to MI this summer, live with my family, and get some sort of tradie job or something.