WoFlowzI’ve got to stop smoking especially pens fr. With spring crew starting in two months and the fact i’ve stopped getting high to enjoy it and more of to just get absolutely stoned so i’m distracted from how i really feel. Plus the last Dispo i had literally said on the box butane was in it. I need a little break tho just annoyed i let myself get like this because i used to enjoy smoking
Butane is just the solvent used to extract the oil you’re smoking. You def shouldn’t be smoking dabs all the time for your mental health’s sake but don’t worry about butane.
you’re smoking “BHO” (Butane Hash Oil) which uses butane to extract oil from the plant. Then the mixture is heated up and all the butane evaporates off due to Butanes naturally low evaporation temp.
you might be consuming trace amounts of remaining solvent but all legal market dab oil has to be tested by the state and if they found significant levels of solvent or pesticide in the batch it wouldn’t be allowed to be sold in dispensaries.
TLDR//: yes you should cut back on smoking oil, but not because there’s butane in it, more so that it’ll turn your brain into scrambled eggs from smoking it all the time.