I live in Denver and only ski weekends. The reason I’m better than you is cuz
1. I actually have balls to learn new shit
2. I’m not a fat fuck
3. My man tits don’t weigh my down when I go off jumps
4. I’m not morbidly obese so I can actually hike rails
5. You just sit at the top of the park all day
6. Your jaw is receding into your throat due to the amount of soy you consume
7. Your fat
8. Your girlfriend is fucking her personal trainer that you pay for.
1000000001You still live in Colorado shitstain
And Im assuming you’re not from Denver because all you ski is Copper, so please don’t give me the “ooooooh I’m not privileged” argument
**This post was edited on Dec 7th 2022 at 5:13:50pm